Disney Boss Ben Sherwood To Keynote NAB

Ben Sherwood, co-chairman of Disney Media Networks and president, Disney|ABC Television Group, will deliver opening remarks at the 2016 NAB Show in Las Vegas. The opening session will take place Monday, April 18.

10,000 Broadcasts And Counting

CBS Radio News’ weekday legal segment Looking at the Law, which launched four decades ago, this week marks its 10,000th broadcast. The segments, which launched on April 1, 1976, feature attorney and Harvard Medical School professor Neil Chayet.

Rogers Hits 200 Station Mark

Westwood One announced Thursday that Something to Think About with Mike Rogers is now heard on over 200 stations. The former Congressman produces weekday “slice of life” vignettes about issues of the day and highlights smaller stories about American exceptionalism.

Now That’s A Great Sales Idea

Radio is all about presenting ideas to clients. What are you doing to incorporate your clients into the Super Bowl that generates revenue for the station? We came across this idea that Butterfinger came up with and just had to share. You just never know what it will spark in the creative minds out in radioland. (Picture courtesy Adweek)

WTMX Chicago To Receive Heritage Crystal Award

The NAB's Heritage Crystal Award recognizes radio stations that have won a total of five Crystal Radio Awards for exceptional year-round community service efforts. Only five other stations have received this honor in the history of the NAB Crystal Radio Awards. The award will be presented during the NAB Show Radio Luncheon, Tuesday, April 19 in Las Vegas.

Another Sports Talker Puts Foot In Mouth

One day after CBS announced the suspension of Josh Innes in Philly, CBS Cleveland sports host Kevin Kiley is grabbing his share of national attention. The Buffalo Bills have hired Kathryn Smith as the first full-time female assistant in NFL history. Apparently having a woman in the football field does not sit well with Kiley. Here's what he had to say about

Murrow Awards Deadline Just Two Weeks Away

Now is the time to enter the 2016 Edward R. Murrow Awards. Submit your entries using the online registration system. Entries will be accepted online through February 5.

“Total Request Now” Debuts Jan. 23 On Radio Disney

Radio Disney’s Total Request Now, the first real-time radio show that allows listeners to take over and pick the next song played on-air, premieres Saturday, January 23 (11 a.m. PT/ 2 p.m. PT) on Radio Disney.
Wayne Ens - Radio

(SALES) Make Your Advertisers’ Lives Easier

(by Wayne Ens) A good friend of mine, Rick, is the marketing manager for a large shopping mall. During one of our discussions he said, “There was a time when we spent hours and hours preparing our annual marketing plans. Today, things are changing so fast, it’s impossible to keep up. Thank God we now have an agency with experts in new media to do our planning for us.”

(DIGITAL) When To Consider Digital Ads

(By Ryan Wrecker) Have you noticed how national websites can display local banner ads? It’s called geotargeting, and it’s become one of the fastest-growing ways to cheaply promote your station to a wider local audience.

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