Ramsey: “Apple Is The New Hollywood”

(Mark Ramsey) This week in Media Unplugged, Mark Ramsey declares, “Apple is the new Hollywood!” He also looks at why Twitter "can't be fixed."

Iliad Launches Listen Boise App

It took a year to develop but it's now ready for launch. The Iliad Media Group in Boise has released a new podcast and streaming app called Listen Boise. The app includes local radio stations, podcasts and trending stories.

Salem GM Denies Hosts Claim

KNUS General Manager Brian Taylor says Craig Silverman was not fired for criticizing President Trump as the host claimed. He was fired because he announced that he would be appearing on other radio stations.
Radio Ink December 2023

OUT NOW: Meet Radio’s Next Leaders

If you think, "No young people want to work in radio anymore," do yourself a favor - read this month's Radio Ink cover-to-cover on December 11, featuring the BEA's Heather Birks, our 30 and Under Superstars, and The Radio Fam's Marie LeMaitre.

EMF CEO Mike Novak Retiring

Mike Novak, CEO of Educational Media Foundation, announced Friday he will retire as CEO of the ministry that operates the K-LOVE and Air1 radio networks in the coming months. Novak and EMF’s Board of Directors say they have been working closely the past couple of years on the timing of his retirement.

Tampa Area Station Setting Records

WZPH-FM in the Tampa suburb of Zephyrhills promotes non-stop oldies rock n' roll. According to the station, it has played three-million songs in a row since 2004.

GMR Asks Court To Dismiss

The latest GMR court filing states that radio stations represented by RMLC do not want real competition concerning the music they play, nor do they want to pay for the value GMR and its writers bring to the table. And GMR has asked the court to dismiss the RMLC's lawsuit for three reasons.

Radio Still King Of The Car

Despite wildly complicated looking infotainment screens in new vehicles, easily adaptable smartphone connections and WiFi, AM/FM radio is still king when it comes to what consumers listen to in their vehicles.

How To Shorten The Sales Process

(By Paul Weyland) Sales managers in all-size broadcast markets are not only concerned about shrinking TV/radio rates, but also about longer sales turnaround times.
Randy Lane

Syndicated Host Tino Cochino Talks Mental Health

(By Randy Lane) Mental health goes well beyond big matters like depression, panic attacks, and eating disorders. Most of us deal with relationship issues (partners, children, parents, work), financial woes, social isolation, and anxiety.

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