Joe Schwartz Resigns From Cherry Creek Radio

After 38 years in the radio business, and 14 with the company he started, Cherry Creek Radio, Joe Schwartz has resigned from the company, effective immediately. Schwartz tells Radio Ink it was just the right time to step away. Schwartz founded the company in 2004 with the purchase of Commonwealth Communications, which had 24 stations in nine markets. Today, Cherry Creek has 54 stations in 11 markets.

Are You In The Digital Driver’s Seat?

Don’t lose advertising dollars to digital. Take control with practical strategies you can pitch tomorrow. Many stations complain that they’re losing revenue to digital platforms, yet Hispanic broadcasters actually have an edge: Surveys show Hispanic consumers index among the highest in terms of digital use in almost every category.

Radio One St. Louis Sends Emergency Water To Flint

On Saturday, February 20, Radio One St. Louis, home of Hot 104.1 (WHHL) and Old School 95.5 (WFUN), collected over 7,000 cases of water during their Flint Water Drive.

National Drags Univision Radio Down

Univision CEO Randy Falco said local advertising revenue was doing quite well for the radio division, it was national that was giving the company more problems. "That's a marketplace issue, not a performance issue," Falco told investors and analysts Tuesday. And again, thanks to National, pacings are down in the mid single digits for Q1 of this year. Falco also said that in 2012 - for all divisions - Univision brought in about $60 million on political revenue and he expects the company to bring in more this year.

Texas, California Are The Jackpot States For Hispanic Ad Revenue

As we gear up for our 7th annual Hispanic Radio Conference in Ft. Lauderdale next month, our friends at BIA/Kelsey have shared some great stats on the revenue-generating markets for Hispanic radio. Texas and California are huge revenue generators for this radio format. Here's how the two states stack up...

(VIDEO) Fight Breaks Out At Dallas Gospel Station

A gospel radio station might be the last place you would expect a fight to break out, but when it comes to politics in America, anything can happen. KHVN near Dallas hosted Democrats John Wiley Price, a longtime Dallas County Commissioner, and Dwaine Caraway, a former city council member. A fight broke out when, it appears, one accused the other of having an adulterous affair with his wife. Of course, it was all caught on video. The cops had to be called to the station.

Pirate Operating From NY Shipping Container

Several publications around New York are calling it a pirate, which was what brought the station to our attention. However, when we contacted the station they told us they were only online. The station is called The Lot Radio, it seconds as a coffee shop and the format is techno. Picture courtesy TimeOut New York.

Will Media Unicorns Go Extinct?

Is it wise for modern media companies to depend for their content distribution on ecosystems controlled by the likes of Facebook, Apple, or Google? No, say Tom Asacker and Mark Ramsey. But they may have no other choice. Then Tom and Mark discuss whether platform businesses like Google, Airbnb, and Uber are “eating the world” and driving brands without their scale out of business. Check out the latest Media Unplugged podcast with Mark Ramsey and Tom Asacker.

Do You Want To Be A Stronger Leader?

In our latest Management Podcast, Max Media Virginia Beach General Manager Dave Paulus talks about how to be a better manager by catching people doing something great every day, he details the traits of a great manager and gives advice to managers all over the country about how to be a stronger leader.

Nielsen Announces E-Commerce Measurement Tool

This one is aimed at consumer behavior and combines Nielsen's "retail data cooperators, multiple consumer-sourced data sets and demand related analytics." The new product, available later this year, will provide consumer insights, in addition to measurement, through consumer level purchase data. Through the analysis of consumer purchase receipts received by email and direct consumer reporting, insights into specific product sales and trends at major online retailers will be revealed.

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