Jewish Broadcasters Network To Unite Programmers

Hal Slifer, host of Chagigah on Emerson College’s WERS in Boston, has announced the creation of the Jewish Broadcasters Network. The JBN is a radio organization that aims to bring together radio hosts who program Jewish music.
Facilitating collaboration in sharing music, distribution, and content, the JBN aims to connect Jewish performers to present their concerts on a worldwide network of radio stations. JBN’s board of directors includes members from various radio stations such as WCUW, WJPR, WBNY, WMNF, WWNN, WWDB, WCAP, WRSU, WERS, and WMPG.
Mitch Gordon, board member and radio host at WCUW, Worcester says, “The JBN, also known as ‘The Schmoozers’, continues in the tradition of the early days of radio programming that reached out to the Jewish community with music, humor, and entertainment.”


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