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House Committee On Energy and Commerce

AM Radio Bill Delayed Due To GOP Privacy Act Crossfire

Eleven months to the day the AM For Every Vehicle Act was sent to the Senate floor by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the US House version of the Act was expected to also become eligible for a vote, but another bill has blocked the way.
Political Money Lobbying

Automaker Lobbying Spiked In Q1, Pitting Big Cash Against AM Act

With time turning against the AM For Every Vehicle Act, automaker spending on Capitol Hill surged in Q1 as manufacturers hope for inaction on the bill. General Motors, Ford, Honda, Tesla, and Rivian heaped combined millions against mandating AM radio for in-car safety.
NAB Logo 2022

‘Time Is Running Out’ As NAB Pushes Grassroots Effort For AM Act

With eleven months passed since the AM For Every Vehicle Act became eligible for a US Senate floor vote and six months until the 118th Congress adjourns, the NAB is adding urgency to its call for Americans to tell their representatives to keep AM radio in cars.
Paul Brian

Former ‘Drive Chicago’ Radio Host Paul Brian Dead At 73

Beloved Chicago radio personality Paul Brian passed away on June 11 at age 73 after a brief illness. Brian hosted Drive Chicago on WLS-AM every Saturday morning for more than twenty years, avoiding mechanical advice to focus on automotive history and culture.
HRC 2024 Washington Update

Radio Gets Capitol Update On AM/FM’s Latest Actions In DC

As the headlines have shown, the past year has been a major one for the radio industry on and around Capitol Hill. At Hispanic Radio Conference's "Washington Update" a full panel of executives, legal eagles, and broadcast leaders tackled top DC issues one by one.
HRC Leadership Roundtable

Norsan and Meruelo CEOs Tackle Radio’s Timeliest Issues

From AI to political attention and revenue and audience misconceptions to continued radio legislation, how are Hispanic radio executives tackling today's toughest issues? Two prominent leaders shared the stage and their thoughts on the industry on Wednesday.
Anna Gomez HRC 2024

FCC’s Gomez Talks Regulation, AM, and EAS In Keynote Address

"I learned the perspectives of the regulated firsthand. I understand that the right level of regulation reflects the circumstances before us and specific facts matter a lot." Those words from FCC Commissioner Anna Gomez, in an address to Hispanic broadcasters.
Farm Bureau

Farm Bureau Reinforces Support For AM Radio In Vehicles

As lawmakers move to advance the AM for Every Vehicle Act in the US House, the American Farm Bureau Federation is again voicing its support. AFBF Director of Government Affairs Emily Buckman discussed the bill's importance to rural America.
House Committee On Energy and Commerce

AM Radio Act Advances To Full House Commerce Committee

With no amendments offered and no opposition, H.R. 8449 - the new face of the AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act - was moved for review to the full House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday.
Reps. Gus Bilirakis and Frank Pallone

AM For Every Vehicle Act Gets New Leadership In US House

The legislative push to keep AM radio in American automobiles is changing leadership in the US House. Led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer for the past year, the House efforts for the AM For Every Vehicle Act will now be headed by Reps. Frank Pallone and Gus Bilirakis.

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