Home Sales Manager of The Week

Sales Manager of The Week

Sales Manager of The Week – Beasley’s Marta DeLisi

Beasley Market Manager Joe Bell says Marta DeLisi rocks as the General Sales Manager for WJBR in Wilmington. Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Salem’s Mike Murphy

Salem General Manager Nic Anderson says Mike Murphy is the glue that holds many departments together at his radio station. "He's a coach, mentor, counselor, idea generator, and connoisseur of dad jokes. I’m blessed to have him on our team.” Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Sales Manager of The Week – JVC’s John Griffo

One of John Griffo's AE's tells Radio Ink, "Griffo makes you want to be as great as you possibly can. His style reaches deep into your soul and motivates your every fiber." Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Cumulus’ Dean Canter

With over 31 years in the business, Cumulus Media Dallas/Fort Worth Sales Manager Dean Canter is now in charge of 10 salespeople that are out on the street making it happen at KPLX-FM, KSCS-FM and KLIF-FM. Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Illiad’s Amanda White

Iliad Media Group CEO Darrell Calton says Amanda White exemplifies true leadership qualities found in great sales managers. "She is both a coach and a student, always seeking to learn and transfer knowledge. She leads from the front and the team rallies to her side. We are fortunate Amanda calls Iliad Media Group home." Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

SBS’s Patty Valdes

Patty leads a group of successful sellers for Spanish Broadcasting System in South Florida. Her boss Carolina Patino says, "Patty's leadership style is focused on making sure she's a team player and works side by side with each AE in bringing out the best in them." Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Flagler’s Kirk Keller

Flagler Broadcasting General Manager David Ayres says his Sales Manager Kirk Keller, "Has endless energy and he's everywhere in the community. It's relationship selling at its best." Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

CMG’s Ashley Williams

Cox Media Group Orlando Director of Sales JC Campese tells Radio Ink his Sales Manager Ashley Williams is an extremely valuable partner to him and his entire team.  "She's highly respected by our sales team, her co workers and our clients." What else could you ask for from a Sales Manager?  Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Radio Woodstock’s Marisa Perez-Rogers

Radio Woodstock GM Joel Simon tells Radio Ink Marisa Perez-Rogers exemplifies leadership. "She's unselfish, puts her team first, and provides ideas, support and a sense of pride to the radio station and our clients."  Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

Richard Renko From Krol Communications

Nothing says you are doing a great job as a manager better than when you hear it from the people you supervise. Our Sales Manager of the week, Krol Communications' Rich Renko, was nominated by one of his salespeople who told Radio Ink "Rich is a rock star when we bring him with us on meetings." You don't hear that from many sellers. Our Sales Manager of The Week Feature is sponsored by The Center For Sales Strategy.

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