The Pandora Purchase of Rdio is Complete

After seeking bankruptcy protection, Rdio discontinued it's service on December 22, 2015. Pandora needed court approval to purchase the company for $75 million.

The Most Played Christmas Songs

As stations start to flip back to there regular formats - or use the holiday music format - to change to a completely new format, Nielsen has released a list of the most played Christmas songs by radio stations across America this year. (Picture of Brenda Lee courtesy R&R Hall of Fame)

Kurt Baker Helps Save Georgia Station

Asked by a friend to help keep Albany, Georgia station WWQA on the air as it went through bankruptcy proceedings, long-time radio host Kurt Baker worked with judges, lawyers, bookkeepers, auctioneers and FCC officials to take the station through the most unlikely survival story.

The Beatles Now Streaming. So What.

Broadcast attorney David Oxenford writes that the press is treating the recent Beatles announcement as a breakthrough, omitting the fact that the Beatles have been available on many streaming services for as long as there have been streaming services.

The 1996 Telecom Act – 20 Years Later

The debate rages on to this day. There are those that believe deregulation and consolidation ruined radio, homogenized its sound and killed jobs. Others still argue that more deregulation is needed and national scale is important for radio to compete with more competition for the eyes and ears of the consumer than ever before. There is one important point that seems to get overlooked when debating 1996.

WGCI DJ Dies at Age 34

Tim "DJ Timbuck2" Jones passed away Sunday, after a battle with cancer. He was only 34.

TuneIn Partners With NHL

The new partnership will bring live play-by-play of NHL home, away and foreign language feeds to TuneIn for free.

Memphis Host Dies After Short Illness

Long-time WGKX-FM host Mark Billingsley died Tuesday afternoon following several weeks of illness.

Your Deadline Is Tomorrow

We are accepting nominations for the 2016 Best Country PD's in America. Make your nominations HERE. The deadline is this Thursday, December 31.
KISS FM Radiothon 2015

One Big KISS Totals $14 Mill. For Seattle Kids Hospital

106.1 KISS FM (KBKS), Seattle, raised $804,236 in just 13 hours on Thursday, December 17, to bring its 14-year radiothon total to over $14 million dollars.

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