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Women to Watch: Pat Bryson
(By Charese Frugé) Pat Bryson is CEO of Bryson Broadcasting International, a consulting firm that specializes in shaping and maximizing the revenue departments of radio and television stations around the world. “When my clients hire me, they get me,” she says.
Audio: The Pathway to the Human Mind
(By Pat Bryson) With the advent of AI for writing and voicing commercials, the spotlight has once again focused on radio creative. When we plan campaigns for our clients, three elements must be done correctly for the magic to work.
There’s Magic in the Message
(By Pat Bryson) John Wanamaker is famous for saying “I know that half of my advertising is wasted; I’m just not sure which half.” Today it is more important than ever that companies know which part of their advertising is giving them ROI.
Thanksgiving Blessings and Thoughts
(By Pat Bryson) I find Thanksgiving a wonderful time to reflect. I just returned from three months of travel across the United States and Canada and in every location, I found exceptional broadcasters, excited about what we do.
What The Best Salespeople of 2025 Will Have in Common
(By Pat Bryson) What makes a GREAT salesperson? They have the highest billing on the station, right? But what makes them special? What is it about their “I”, their identity, that propels them upward and upward and upward?
Leave A Message At The Tone
(By Pat Bryson) First impressions are lasting and sometimes your voicemail message is the first thing prospective clients experience. What does it reflect about you? Most voicemail messages are boring. “You’ve reached me…. leave a message.”
How A $.79 Pocket Protector Saved One Station $1000s
(By Pat Bryson) One of my sales managers sent me this example of how the message can make all the difference in whether or not we get, or keep, the sale. Having the right message becomes even more critical in difficult economic times. Here's his story:
Falling On The Sword
(By Pat Bryson) It’s frustrating when a prospect appears to be moving forward towards becoming a new client and then they become “stuck”. They won’t move forward, but they don’t seem to want to end our relationship either. And then they just wither away.
Turning Mistakes Into Profits
(By Pat Bryson) “It is five times more expensive to generate new customers than to keep existing ones.” We also know that we humans make mistakes that can sometimes upset our clients to the point of losing them. How do we prevent this?
Climb This L.A.D.D.E.R To Better Listening
(By Pat Bryson) Listening is an art form. We need to understand, practice, and hone our skills. Great listening leads to understanding our clients. Understanding our clients leads to on-target campaigns that will fit our clients’ needs and goals exactly.