Peggy Gou, Coca-Cola Help Spotify Launch Its In-House Agency


Spotify has introduced AUX, an in-house agency designed to connect brands with emerging artists and develop music-driven marketing strategies. The music streamer has tapped former FIFA Global Marketing Director Jean-François Pathy as AUX’s Global Head.

AUX has already run its first campaign between Coca-Cola and German DJ Peggy Gou. The collaboration has featured social media content, with the full intention of building a lasting relationship between the brand and the artist. The full campaign will also feature a series of live concerts and promotional support.

Pathy said, “Music has a unique ability to evoke emotions and create a profound connection with listeners and consumers. In a world where cutting through the noise via traditional advertising methods is becoming harder, using the influence and relevance of music culture makes sense. Music is arguably the most influential part of culture, as it’s embedded in nearly every corner of our society. Simply put, a distinctive music strategy creates an authentic relationship that sets a brand apart from its competitors.”

The Coca-Cola Company Global Head of Music & Culture Marketing Joshua Burke added, “We are proud to be an early partner to AUX, which integrates Spotify’s expertise to enable authentic connections with music fans worldwide. This is a natural progression of our long-standing partnership with Spotify and marks a key milestone for our commitment to artists and the music community. We are excited to launch Coke Studio at Spotify LA, which will provide recording support for emerging artists and a platform to promote their music.”


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