Home Improvement Buoys Radio’s July 4th Revenue


In a notable shift before the July 4th holiday, Progressive, which had consistently ranked in the top three, vanished from the Media Monitors list of radio’s top five national advertisers last week and they aren’t back yet. Home improvement continued its stretch in the spotlight, with another stronger week of radio ad spins backed by Independence Day sales.

Leading the pack for the second week in a row, The Home Depot claimed the top rank with 60,115 spot plays – a significant increase compared to the previous week’s 51,729. Upside remains a strong contender, sliding back into second with 50,007 total ads. ZipRecruiter holds steady in the third position despite a slight drop in spot plays from last week with 45,126 spot plays.

Another home improvement company entered the top five, with Lowe’s claiming a spot on the list for the first time in months. Lowe’s finished fourth spot 42,103 plays. Babbel rounds out the top five with 35,339.

Overall, the top five advertisers garnered a total of 232,690 spot plays with an average plays per advertiser of 46,538, showcasing a strong holiday presence in the radio landscape. Now that the 4th has passed and revenue forecasts have dropped, we’ll have to wait and see if this rate maintains or if we’ll see a similar plunge like radio had post-Memorial Day.


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