DeMaio Staying On At KOGO


Carl DeMaio has extended his agreement to host The DeMaio Report for News Radio 600 KOGO, “San Diego’s News & Information Station.” DeMaio will continue to broadcast weekdays 3–6 p.m. The show features DeMaio candidly discussing the latest in local and national political headlines, policies, and reform. The show also features input and commentary from listeners, fueling political conversation and engagement in the wider San Diego community.

“When we started The DeMaio Report, we wanted a forum for San Diegans to share dialogue about important issues and also a vehicle for taking action on problems; I’m thrilled we are accomplishing both goals,” said DeMaio. “I’m excited by the impact we’ve already had on important issues like the California Gas Tax and look forward to tackling many more issues in the years to come.”

Prior to broadcasting, DeMaio built a successful business and political career. In 2008, he was elected to the San Diego City Council. In addition to hosting his daily news and talk show on News Radio 600 KOGO, DeMaio tackles statewide, fiscal reform policy in his role as Chairman of Reform California and the Transitions in Governance Project at the Performance Institute.


  1. Carl, Where are the fathers? Why are they not speaking up for their babies especially when the baby is born and “the discussion” is taking place? I would like to see fathers fight to protect their children. Have they just rolled over and surrendered to women’s claim that is it their body? What about a father’s baby’s body? He must have some rights here. If not, then that needs to be changed. Stand up fathers and be a dad.

  2. ~Finding KOGO’s evening talkshow-host ‘Carl DeMaio’ both insightfully illuminating and entertaining, –his keen-minded usConstitution-based political perspective looms brightly in contrast to the grimy-politics of those deceptively posing as Conservatives. We are fortunate to have this savvy gentleman keeping a watchful eye on things sanDiego, –other Calif.-cities like losAngeles and sanFrancisco would do well to find a similar personality to inform their weary drivetime listeners…~R.V. -92123


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