Talk Replaces Classic Rock On The Outer Banks

Jam Media Solutions flips WZPR-FM from Classic Rock to an all syndicated news/talk format other than mornings which will be live. The morning show will be hosted by long-time Outer Banks radio veteran Sam Walker.
SiriusXM New Logo

SiriusXM Shareholders Approve ‘SplitCo’ Merger with Liberty Media

With SiriusXM just days away from finalizing its merger with Liberty Media Corporation, shareholders have approved a plan where Liberty Media will exchange existing SiriusXM shares for new shares in "SplitCo," which will get a new name next month.
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Ag Groups Praise Local Broadcasters

A goup of agricultural organizations have partnered to pen a letter to House and Senate leaders praising the work local broadcasters have done informing communities at the same time the COVID-19 crisis has dealt a deadly blow to their revenue. The groups are asking that any future federal funding include money for these local broadcasters.

Why Are Brands So Misinformed About Radio?

That's what Cumulus Chief Insights Officer Pierre Bouvard addresses in his latest blog post. Bouvard reels off 8 perceptions about radio and answers each one of them with the truth about radio. It's a list worth using on the street when selling radio and facing similar objections. Read it HERE.

BetR Network Ready For Fall Football

BetR Networkhas rolled out a full program lineup for the upcoming NFL season. Several new programs and select content from VSiN are on the schedule that debuts September 7.

Hubbard Enters Rock Battle In Seattle

After a five-day stunt, Hubbard has flipped it's "Modern Music" station (KLCK-FM) in Seattle to Rock and will feature artists such as AC/DC, Foo Fighters, Van Halen, Nirvana, and Guns ‘N Roses. Entercom has a Classic Rock (KISW) and Alternative Rocker (KNDD) in the market, and CBS also has a Classic Rocker (KZOK) in Seattle. Hubbard will kick off the new KVRQ-FM 98-9 with 12,000 songs in a row.
Mike McVay

Clean Streams Matter

(By Mike McVay) This is not an article about beautifying America or being environmentally conscious, although both are worthwhile initiatives and the environment has been in the news a lot lately. This is about the listening environment.

What is Radio’s Grade For Hiring Women and Minorities?

Professor Emeritus at Hofstra University Bob Papper, in his eighth in a series of reports developed from RTDNA's annual survey of newsrooms across the United States, says that while the minority workforce in TV was up over the past year, it was down in radio. And, overall it was a mixed picture for minorities and women in radio. Here are the specifics.
Chris Stonick

Not Everyone Likes Vanilla

(By Chris Stonick) Clients And salespeople ask me all the time, can you write me a great ad? I always answer, “No.” They look puzzled at this point. What do you mean you can’t write me a great ad? I thought that’s what you do!
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Progressive Holds Onto Top Spot

Airing over 47,000 commercials on radio stations across the country kept Progressive Insurance at the top of the Media Monitors chart of national advertisers for the week of August 10th.

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