Clinton Continues Radio Dominance To The Finish Line

Media Monitors says that, in the last 10 days, not only were there a lot of political spots run on radio, there were more organizations and PACs running them. And in the final Media Monitors report of the 2016 political season, there were 27,853 radio spots run for Hillary Clinton in the last 10 days compared to 3,543 spots for Donald Trump. Here's how the ads broke down for each side over the past 10 days...
Salem Media Group

Salem Same Station Revenue Up 2.1%

Q3 revenue for the Salem's 118 radio stations in 73 markets was up 2.1% to $50.5 million in the 3rd quarter and for the nine months through September Salem's same station revenue is up 1.5% to $147.7.

NAB Plans To Sue FCC Over Ownership Rules

The National Association of Broadcasters has been very vocal about its displeasure with the FCC on ownership rules ever since the Commission decided in August to leave the rules as they've been for decades. And now the NAB plans to take the government agency to court over the issue.
John Garziglia - Radio

What’s Next In The Media Ownership Fight?

(by John Garziglia) Another court review of the FCC’s radio and television ownership rules which will likely be known as Prometheus IV is coming. Both public interest groups and the National Association of Broadcasters will reportedly be filing appeals by next Monday’s deadline of the FCC’s August 25, 2016 “Second Report and Order” which refused to make substantive broadcast station ownership rule changes.

40 Chicago Stations To Carry Town Hall Meeting

The stations will simultaneously air a 30-minute broadcast conversation with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a “Chicago Radio Town Hall Meeting.” Broadcast journalist Bill Kurtis will moderate the meeting about the issues facing the city, Monday, November 14 at 6 p.m. According to the Illinois Broadcasters Association, programmers from a number of the stations are collaborating to produce the program while GMs have cleared the time to air the program commercial-free.
Money graphic

$35 Billion Of Co-Op Money Unclaimed Every Year

That news come from The Local Search Association which released a white paper detailing how billions of dollars of co-op advertising dollars go unclaimed every year. Over 40% of small businesses sell national brands that could qualify for co-op. Confusing rules about how to use co-op is a major reason the funds go unclaimed. When asked which media uses co-op funding the most, advertisers said print, 60%; direct mail, 41%; digital, 36%; and broadcast, 36%.

Radio — After the Election

As our nation decides the course of the next four years, following what is possibly the most contentious election in recent history, it is time to look ahead and begin the process of mending fences, healing rifts, and hopefully, looking for ways to compromise and unite. We are, after all and at the end of the day, a nation of, by and large, good and decent people. And toward that goal of healing, radio has a significant opportunity to play a role.

Field: It Was Another Strong Quarter

Entercom reported same-station revenue increased 3% in the third quarter, with August being the strongest month. CEO David Field said local, political, and digital were all up, with National off a bit. Excluding political, Entercom's same-station revenue was up 2%.
Home Depot

Look Who’s Back On Top

After disappearing from the top of the Media Monitors weekly chart, The Home Depot is back at number one, a spot is occupies more than any other advertiser on the radio. The home improvement big-box ran 47,284 commercials on radio stations all across the country last week.

Live Day Returns to KISW

Entercom rocker 99.9 KISW in Seattle will present Live Day for the second year on November 22. Both BJ & Migs (AM Drive) and The Mens Room (PM Drive), shows will be completely live, including commercials, announcers, bands, sound effects, and the music. Last year, Live Day had more than 1,000,000 listeners tuning into both shows on air and through the KISW app.

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