‘Time Is Running Out’ As NAB Pushes Grassroots Effort For AM Act


    With eleven months passed since the AM For Every Vehicle Act became eligible for a US Senate floor vote and six months until the 118th Congress adjourns, the NAB is adding urgency to its call for Americans to tell their representatives to keep AM radio in cars.

    “Despite overwhelming support from Democrats and Republicans, time is running out for Congress to pass the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act…Ask Congress to bring this bill to a vote now! AM radio is too important to let this moment pass us by.” is the message in the latest Depend on AM PSAs from the NAB. 

    The PSAs, first launched in April 2023 and last updated in February, highlight the value of AM in cars for news, public safety, community engagement, and entertainment. The NAB encourages participation from all stations to emphasize the band’s unique benefits.

    At Radio Ink’s Hispanic Radio Conference 2024, Bryan Broadcasting’s Ben Downs noted that Depend on AM has been the most successful and publicly engaged campaign in NAB history.

    When the campaign debuted, NAB CEO Curtis LeGeyt said, “Implementing cost-cutting measures at the expense of our nation’s emergency communications abilities is reckless and will have dire consequences for Americans that rely on AM radio in times of crisis. NAB’s ‘Depend on AM Radio’ campaign will elevate the voices of listeners who depend on AM radio and share opposition to removing the medium with automakers and members of Congress.”

    The AM For Every Vehicle Act achieved supermajority support in the US Senate in May, joining a majority of the House of Representatives in backing the initiative. The House effort was passed to Reps. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) the same month.

    The most recent Depend on AM PSAs and scripts are available on the NAB website.


    1. Clark is right, Roy Radio is right. AM’s downfall happened decades ago with the number of issues created by the electronic (digital) revolution. France (and other countries) are talking about discontinuing FM radio after tossing AM aside. Ratings? Los Angeles has one viable Top 10 AM station, (well another half if you include an AM/FM simulcast with KNX). New York has WABC at #10. Chicago has one. Dallas, one. Market #59, Buffalo has THREE AM stations in the Top 10. We have the technology and brilliant people with the ability to make great radio on AM and FM, instead big companies are throwing parties in Cannes. How much sense does this make?

    2. The radio industry brought the demise of AM Radio upon themselves. Cumulus/ Lew Dickey at the time, systematically destroyed legendary AM stations including KABC, KGO, and many others by firing the top-rated local personalities and dumbing down the stations with syndicated programming. Salem AM stations are pastors/ send money to Jesus (and not praying, but PREYING on the elderly) infomercials, and right wing second-tier syndicated programs. The major markets have – maybe – one AM station in the Top 20 Nielsen stations.
      Adults under 35 almost universally don’t even know what “AM” is. All of this is because major radio broadcasters (not so “major” anymore) abandoned AM radio 20 years ago.
      If they had put as much effort into keeping AM relevant, as they are in now trying to force auto manufacturers to keep AM, none of this would be an issue today.

      • And sadly, as anyone reading this even tried to buy an AM radio – or even an AM/FM radio –
        in the last several years? For the most part, you cannot. That says it all. Go to Best Buy… way in the back of the store, in one aisle next to GPS devices and food blenders, were a couple of AM/FM radios… both dusty, not even plugged so you could try them. It’s over folks.

    3. Please do not discontinue AM Radio.
      It has a much farther reach than FM radio
      AM radio stations can reach coast to coast and border to border in case of a national emergency!
      Keep AM radio its a must please listen to the people not the auto makers!!


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