A May study conducted by Advertiser Perceptions highlights a significant brand shift in interest towards in-car visual ads synced with AM/FM broadcasts, with 80% of agencies and advertisers showing interest in in-dash visuals, a rise from 64% in 2021.
The survey of 305 national media agencies and advertisers shows awareness of the technology has notably increased, with 33% of media agencies and marketers now saying they are “very familiar” with in-car visual ads, up from just 15% in 2021. 83% are intrigued by geographically targeted visual ads, up from 71% in 2021.
The inclusion of in-dash visuals is proving valuable, with advertisers willing to spend 16% more on AM/FM radio buys that feature these displays, compared to a 12% increase in 2021. The Quu 2024 In-Vehicle Visuals Report shows that 100% of new vehicles can display text, with 60% capable of showing images.
AM/FM radio’s dominant 86% share of in-car ad-supported audio, as reported by Edison Research’s Q1 2024 Share of Ear data, further validates the strategic advantage of integrating visuals with radio ads. This substantial reach remains stable over the past six years.
In-car visuals are also a great way to get a radio campaign’s message across to younger drivers, in particular. A study commissioned by the Cumulus Media/Westwood One Audio Active Group revealed that 66% of adults aged 18-34 pay attention to the radio screen while driving, compared to 57% of those aged 35-49. The attention to in-dash visuals is closely linked to the amount of AM/FM radio time and miles driven.
Listeners show a high degree of interest in seeing sales and deals on their in-car displays. Specifically, 61% of heavy AM/FM radio listeners are keen on in-dash promotions, with interest peaking among Spanish (88%), Sports (74%), and R&B/Hip Hop (71%) listeners. The integration of in-car visuals with radio ads boosts purchase intent, with substantial recall rates for brands and products featured in these ads.
The interest in geographically targeted in-dash visuals is also particularly strong among younger audiences. Two-thirds of heavy AM/FM radio listeners are interested in this feature, with over half of adults aged 18-49 expressing similar interest.
About 70% of heavy AM/FM radio listeners and 64% of mega-milers – those driving over 150 miles weekly – regularly notice the in-car radio display.
Despite the curmudgeon above THIS is yet another tool LOCAL RADIO must do to have expectation of growth. My group did this in the early days of advanced RDS, and created just text then of things like sponsor website while their spot was running over the air and stream. We actually created rate lifts in such cases. We sold it as “The digital Dashboard”. Now a common reference. There’s $$ in RDS.
No Thanks. I don’t want that crap on my in car screen.