A Few Of ‘Our Favorite Things’


Here we are; all together in the final week of 2023. Traditionally, the period between Christmas and January 2 exists almost solely for leftovers, decompression, and reflection – and what a year radio has to reflect on. AM, AI, continued threats to traditional media, and the promise ahead.

In the grand tradition of The Sound of Music or Oprah, today’s Radio Ink headlines reflect on some of our staff’s “Favorite Things” from the back half of the year. These are discussions, opinion pieces, and columns that captured attention, asked invaluable questions, and presented snapshots of a changing, still-vibrant industry.

In the sense of that vibrancy, it’s my absolute pleasure to say that Radio Ink‘s Season of Giving Tally surpassed 2021’s total of funds raised by radio stations across America for their communities, and the amount keeps growing. But we’ll have more on that tomorrow.

In addition to the review, you’ll also find new words from Mike McVay, John Shomby, and Buzz Knight in today’s edition, each with keen guidance for the 365 days ahead.

It’s been a big year for radio. We hope you enjoy this time of reflection; everyone at Radio Ink looks forward to journeying with you into an even bigger 2024.

– Cameron Coats, Online Editor


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