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Ron Busby, Sr.

USBC CEO Ron Busby Discusses NABOB Merger’s Radio Role

USBC President/CEO Ron Busby, Sr. is uniquely positioned to discuss what the organization’s acquisition of NABOB means for radio leaders and voices. We talked with Ron about what NABOB's radio members, and the industry, can expect from the new network.
Washington DC

As Congress Returns, One Third Of The Senate Stands With AM

After its August recess, Congress is back in session, but there was certainly no loss of momentum for the AM For Every Vehicle Act in the Senate. Six new cosponsors officially joined the bill on Wednesday, bringing the total number of Senators in support to 34.
NAB Show New York

NAB To Dial In On AM At New York Show

The upcoming NAB Show New York is set to feature two panels focusing on AM radio, signifying the medium's ongoing relevance and challenges in the digital age. The panels aim to discuss strategies for audience engagement and delve into technical aspects.
Steve Newberry 300

Reach, Reliability, and New Tech: Positioning Radio For A Crisis

As radio still remains forgotten by so many leaders in an emergency, what does it take to get radio's benefits across? Radio Ink discussed this issue with Steve Newberry, CEO of Quu, President of Commonwealth Broadcasting, and former NAB Joint Board Chairman.
Amy Klobuchar

Sen. Amy Klobuchar Speaks Out For AM Over The Weekend

US Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota is already a co-sponsor of the AM For Every Vehicle Act, but she took another opportunity on Saturday to voice her support for radio published in a Brainerd Dispatch op-ed.
AM Radio

Radio Enters Auto Lobbyists’ Crosshairs Ahead Of AM Act Autumn

With the Senate returning after its August recess following Labor Day, and the House resuming on September 12, broadcasters and pro-radio legislators are preparing for the fight ahead with the AM For Every Vehicle Act - but so are automakers and their spending reflects that.
Salem Radio Network

Salem Radio Network Hosts Promote AM During August Recess

Salem Radio Network's syndicated talk hosts are contributing to the fight to keep AM radios in-car by recording PSAs to encourage listeners to rally their congressional representatives in support of the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act.
Washington DC

Washington DC Reacts To AM Act’s Passage To Senate Floor

With the AM For Every Vehicle Act moving out of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and out to the full Senate floor, here's what voices across DC had to say about the passage yesterday:

AM For Every Vehicle Act Headed For Senate Floor Vote

On Thursday morning, in a full executive session convened by Chair Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation officially passed the AM For Every Vehicle Act on to the Senate floor.
New AM Senators

AM Act Passes Key Milestone As Four More Senators Sign On

The AM For Every Vehicle Act reached an important waypoint on its journey into law this week. Those joining the bipartisan cause to protect AM radio's place in the automobile dashboard are Senators Joe Manchin, Todd Young, Maria Cantwell, and Dan Sullivan.

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