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Radio Puts All Eyes On AM For Final Day Of NAB Show NY

Possibly radio's defining issue of 2023, AM radio was at the forefront of the final day of NAB Show New York with two panels covering the band, the continued fight for its place in the car, strategies for successful AM programming, and its technological future.
Mike Johnson

LeGeyt Praises Speaker Johnson’s Support Of Radio’s ‘Vital Role’

With Rep. Mike Johnson’s election to Speaker of the House, DC is abuzz with how the new leader's deeply conservative politics will shape the upcoming election. One aspect is certain: his track record shows he is a positive force for radio.
Digital Audio

SiriusXM Study Examines The Underutilized Power Of Digital Audio

In the competitive landscape of advertising, digital audio is emerging as a powerful contender, but a new study by SiriusXM finds that while consumers dedicate 31% of their time to audio content, advertisers only allocate 9% of their budgets to it.
NAB Show New York

8 Can’t Miss Sessions For Radio Broadcasters At NAB New York

Today marks the official start of NAB Show New York - over the next three days, broadcasters will fill the Javits Center in Manhattan. From AM to AI and everything in between, here are eight sessions you won't want to miss.
Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz Outlines AM Radio Act’s Three Paths To Law

For those needing a roadmap, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) discussed the prospective paths for the passage of the AM For Every Vehicle Act. The bill, which moved out of committee in July, has three potential avenues for approval in the Senate.

Agriculture Groups Tell Congress Farmers & Ranchers Rely On AM

A coalition of agricultural organizations is the latest to urge Congress to pass the AM for Every Vehicle Act, saying farmers and ranchers use AM daily, "To make decisions that affect their everyday lives."
Washington DC

Congress Headed Radio’s Way On Performance Fee-Free Future

While the AM For Every Vehicle Act gains more traction in Congress, another piece of radio legislation is also building steam this session. The Local Radio Freedom Act is only 16 co-sponsors away from a simple majority in the House.
Washington DC Capitol

Gottheimer Rallies 75% Of Votes Needed For AM Radio In House

One month after reconvening for fall, strong momentum remains in Congress for the AM For Every Vehicle Act. This week, the Act passed an important benchmark in the House of Representatives, with support for HR 3413 critically near 75% of the votes it needs to pass.
EAS 2022

Should AM Radio Worry About Wednesday’s National EAS Test?

FEMA is praising Wednesday's national test of the Emergency Alert System, in partnership with the FCC. With a few exceptions, radio pulled off the test seamlessly - but could that be a problem for AM's argument to stay in the dash?
Curtis LeGeyt at the headquarters of the National Association of Broadcasters in Washington, DC, on April 13, 2021.

LeGeyt: AM Support Is ‘Absolutely Incredible’ As Fight Intensifies

NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt and Executive Vice President of Industry Affairs April Carty-Sipp led a virtual town hall, covering a wide range of topics including AM radio advocacy and the band's tremendous grassroots support.

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