Spotify Picks Joe Rogan, Dumps Neil Young

Long-time rocker Neil Young doesn't like what Joe Rogan is saying about COVID-19 on his popular Spotify-exclusive podcast so he gave the company an ultimatum; Joe or me. Spotify chose Rogan and will be deleting Young's music from its service.
Radio Adverising Bureau RAB

New RAB Certification Teaches Content Creators To Monetize

The Radio Advertising Bureau has introduced a new certification program designed specifically for radio's content creators. The CRMC Content Creators course extends from the foundational principles of RAB’s established Radio Marketing Consulting course.

Alpha Media Fredericksburg Surpasses $1 Million For Charity

Alpha Media, Fredericksburg, VA announced that they have raised $1,112,000 for local charities. WFLS, WNTX, WVBX, and WWUZ teamed up with the Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region for a 36-hour fundraiser. The Foundation's goal is to advance local philanthropy.

eMarketer Projects Radio Ad Decline

Paid media spending will rise by 5.1% to $192 Billion in 2016 according to eMarketer. The election and Rio Olympics are two of the reasons for the projected increase in spending. TV still has the largest share of media spending -- 36.8%. Digital is now 35.8%. Print advertising is expected to bring in $26.74 billion this year -- down from $28.16 billion. And eMarketer says radio will slip to $14.12 billion from $14.27 billion.

Radio Still Dominates The Car

According to the 2017 Infinite Dial Study, 82% of the U.S. population listens to AM/FM radio every month in their vehicles. CDs are next at 52%, digital music is at 45%, and online radio, which includes streaming services such as Pandora and Spotify, lags way behind at 26%.

musicFIRST Applauds PROMOTE Bill

After the PROMOTE Bill was introduced on Wednesday, musicFIRST Executive Director Chris Israel said, "Music creators rightly expect to be fairly compensated for their work, regardless of whether their songs are played on satellite radio services like Sirius XM, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube, or AM/FM radio. Unfortunately, this is not always the case."
Progressive logo

Progressive Tops Radio Chart

The Insurance giant moved from third to the top spot on the Media Monitors chart lat week, airing 58,557 commercials on radio stations across the country. Here are the top five advertisers for the week...

On-Air Hosts…This One’s For You

Consultant Tracy Johnson says Mornings Across America is a new show designed as a showcase for on-air hosts out of work and need a platform to be discovered, those who aren’t allowed to do the type of show they want and talent that wants to build a larger following.
Buzz Knight

CES 2021 is in The Books. Here Are The Takeaways

(By Buzz Knight) The Consumer Technology Association has just wrapped up CES 2021, and the event couldn’t have come at a better time for many of us associated with the show. To say the event has evolved over the years, especially during this "pivot" year, would be an understatement.
ACM Awards

See This Year’s Radio Winners For The ACM Awards

The 58th Academy of Country Music Awards have announced this year's radio winners. Country artists helped unveil the awards in a video on Tuesday, April 25.

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