Lawmakers To FCC: Hold Off On Controversial Issues

Republican Congressman Greg Walden (pictured) alongside Republican FCC Commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O'Rielly, is asking FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to hold off on "complex and controversial" decisions during the presidential transition period.

Another Station Flips To Christmas Music

This time it’s 99.9 KEZ, Phoenix, flipping to non-stop Christmas music through December 25. At 5:15 p.m. Tuesday, the festivities began with "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by Andy Williams. 

“Bert Show” Sends Thank You Notes To Troops Abroad

Nationally syndicated program The Bert Show has had great success with its “Big Thank You” campaign, reaching its goal of providing every service person deployed outside the U.S. with a handwritten “Thank You” letter on Thanksgiving Day.

Judge Sides With Cumulus In TRN Anti-Trust Case

Law360 is reporting that an Oregon federal judge has agreed with a magistrate judge's recommendation to toss out the TRN anti-trust suit. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken dismissed half the allegations with prejudice and half without based on the September recommendation to grant a motion to dismiss against the suit brought by TRN and other radio producers. TRN's Mark Masters told Radio Ink last night, "We are going to appeal, then win."

“Transitional Times For Radio And TV”

Those are the words of NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith who spoke at a Communications Forum luncheon Tuesday, sponsored by The Media Institute (Smith is also speaking at Radio Ink's Forecast in New York City, Wednesday). Smith said these are transitional times as local radio and television stations become even more relevant to, and more trusted by, communities

Is Laura Ingraham Headed to The White House?

The conservative talker was a big supporter of Donald Trump and is now being considered for White House Press Secretary.

Beck Calls Bannon A “Terrifying Man”

The disquiet on the right continues in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential victory. This time it was Glenn Beck lashing out and saying of the President-elect's Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon: "He is a terrifying man," according to the New York Daily News.

Mueller Says Swift Photo Will Set Him Free

Former KYGO Denver host David Mueller says this photo, leaked to TMZ, will help him win his court case against Taylor Swift. Mueller's attorney's tell TMZ the picture "doesn't prove a thing other than he didn't have his hand underneath her skirt." Picture courtesy TMZ

The Future Of iHeartRadio?

Darren Davis is president of iHeartRadio Worldwide. His rapid rise through the ranks of radio management is a true blueprint for success — one that includes determination, desire, and hard work. He’s always curious. He’s always ready for his next challenge. He’s always having fun. And now he’s always mentoring as many people as he can along the way

Hughes To Be Honored Today

New York City is the place to be on Wednesday as Forecast 2017 kicks off today and one of the many highlights of the event will be the Lifetime Leadership Award which will be given to Radio One Founder and Chairperson Cathy Hughes. Ms. Hughes will be given the award at 12:15 on Wednesday at the Harvard Club in New York City during Forecast 2017. Check out our full agenda HERE.

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