Blast From The Past: San Antonio’s KCOR, 1949


Happy Friday! This week’s Radio Ink Blast From The Past features Raoul Cortez and the staff of KCOR in San Antonio, Texas in 1949.

KCOR was America’s first full-time Spanish-language radio station, founded by Cortez in 1946. He grew the station at a time with the help of a pioneering sales team and on-air talent. Their efforts paved the way for all Hispanic broadcasting in the US. In this photo from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, Cortez is sitting at the desk in the center.

Radio Ink‘s Medallas de Cortez, which recognize excellence in Hispanic radio programming, sales, and management, are named in Raoul’s honor.

We love sharing your broadcast memories at the end of every week – we even share the best in our print edition every month – and we want to see more! Carts, Reel-to-Reel Machines, and Turntables in your pictures are highly encouraged.

Send your Blast From The Past story and photo to our Online Editor Cameron Coats for your chance to be featured in Radio Ink.



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