Katz Details Radio’s Role in Year-Round E-Commerce Engagement


As marketers look for ways to connect with consumers during peak shopping seasons, a new case study shows how radio delivers measurable results, bolstered by a broader analysis of AM/FM’s year-round audience consistency.

An e-commerce company partnered with Katz Radio Group to promote its site as a holiday gift destination through a six-week AM/FM radio campaign in two key markets. One market employed local DJ endorsements, while the other focused on brand spots.

Katz Analytics tracked the campaign’s effectiveness by matching radio ad times with web data to measure the impact on online engagement.

The campaign generated a significant boost in web traffic across both markets, with an average incremental lift of 27% attributed to radio. Market A, which utilized local DJ endorsements, saw the highest increase with a 33% lift in web traffic, showcasing the power of on-air influencers in connecting with listeners. Market B, which aired two brand spots, achieved a 23% lift in web traffic, with both spots delivering strong performance relative to their airtime share.

The findings highlight radio’s ability to drive measurable consumer action, particularly for web-based businesses during peak shopping seasons.

Of course, this boost isn’t just limited to the holiday season. A separate Katz analysis of three years of Nielsen audience data highlights AM/FM’s consistency in audience reach throughout the year, making it a reliable choice for marketers in any season.

The study reveals that radio consistently reaches nearly the same number of weekly listeners every month, with an average weekly audience of 118.4 million in large PPM markets and 31.2 million in mid-tier CDM markets. Unlike television, which relies on seasonal content schedules, radio’s live, fresh, and local programming provides new engagement opportunities daily, keeping it relevant regardless of the time of year.

Katz emphasized, “Radio is an effective ad medium for web-based businesses, like e-commerce retailers and online marketplaces, looking to impact consumer action during the holiday season. With its mass reach and strength in connecting with consumers where and when other media, like television, cannot, radio makes a measurable impact.”


  1. With all these white papers and case studies claiming the effectiveness of am/fm why are revenues so depressed leading to hundreds of layoffs and multiple bankruptcies? Oh, maybe it’s because the majority of these studies are conducted by companies that are conflicted and the results are dismissed by marketers and agencies.


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