Study Reveals What Makes Audio Promos The Most Effective


The audio industry was gathered in Washington, DC last week for the annual Podcast Movement, and wisdom for podcasters and the radio industry is flowing in the conference’s wake – including a lesson into what makes an effective audio promo.

That lesson came courtesy of the Cumulus Media/Westwood One Audio Active Group, Amplifi Media, and System1, which conducted a detailed study in partnership with the video response survey platform Knit into audio consumer behaviors and preferences.

Knit’s survey in September 2023 included 156 monthly podcast consumers questioned on their receptiveness to new podcasts and the characteristics that make a podcast promo compelling. A standout finding was the significant openness among listeners to discover new podcasts, with 85% of respondents indicating interest in new content.

As for the effectiveness of promotional content in the podcast space, 70% of participants felt the current frequency of podcast promos was appropriate, suggesting a balanced approach. Context and relevance to the subject matter are vital, with listeners expressing a preference for promos that align closely with the podcasts they are already enjoying. Promos that lacked relevance to the content were quickly disregarded.

Social media emerged as the leading discovery tool for new podcasts, with 20% of respondents citing it as their primary source for finding new content. YouTube followed closely, acknowledged by 18% of listeners, reflecting the platform’s growing significance as a space for podcast discovery, especially among those who favor video podcasts.

The content of the podcast itself remains a critical factor in attracting listeners. Specific topics of interest were the most significant draw, indicating that while broad appeal is valuable, niche targeting can effectively attract dedicated listener segments. Respondents emphasized the desire for engaging, thought-provoking content that offers both information and entertainment.

Knit CEO Aneesh Dhawan reflected on the study’s impact, stating, “Combining our technological capabilities with their deep expertise in podcast advertising, we uncovered crucial insights into what drives podcast discovery and listener engagement. The study reveals the importance of relevant, thought-provoking content, the power of humor in capturing attention, and other key factors that make podcast promos truly effective.”

Radio stations can also stand to learn these lessons, to tailor their promotional messaging to feel more natural by aligning closely with their existing message and the interests of their listener base. The research shows stations have substantial opportunities to cross-promote programs or segments, due to overarching themes and content.

Finally, it shows radio operators should be fully leveraging social media and platforms like YouTube for discovery using creative, original content.


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