Deep Fake Disclosure: FCC Moves To Rein In AI In Political Ads


As concerns about artificial intelligence and “deep fakes” and its potential effect on American democracy grow, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has introduced a proposal to require the disclosure of AI-generated content in political ads on radio.

This proposal does not ban AI-generated content but ensures that consumers are aware of its use. If approved by the Commission, the rule would require both on-air and written disclosures in broadcasters’ political files for AI-generated content in political ads.

Disclosure requirements would be extended to broadcasters, cable operators, satellite TV and radio providers.

The use of AI in political ads, particularly “deep fakes,” has become a bipartisan issue to stop the spread of deceptive information. In Jacobs Media’s Techsurvey 2024, 39% of respondents cited major concerns over any type of AI-voiced commercials. The survey revealed a strong call for regulation, with 75% advocating for legal frameworks to govern AI use. Concerns about AI’s influence on elections were highlighted by 51% of respondents, particularly among older generations.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act provides the FCC with authority over political advertising, ensuring the public is protected from false or misleading content and remains informed. Commissioners will vote on the proposal, and if adopted, the FCC will seek public comment on the proposed rules.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel stated, “As artificial intelligence tools become more accessible, the Commission wants to make sure consumers are fully informed when the technology is used. Today, I’ve shared with my colleagues a proposal that makes clear consumers have a right to know when AI tools are being used in the political ads they see, and I hope they swiftly act on this issue.”

NAB SVP of Communications Alex Siciliano told Radio Ink, “We look forward to seeing the details of the proposal as this is a timely issue. In an era marked by the rise of misinformation and disinformation online, local broadcasters play a vital role in delivering trusted information to their communities, going to great lengths to ensure accuracy of the information they put on the air. We look forward to working with the Commission to ensure our viewers and listeners can continue to depend on local stations for news and information they can trust.”


  1. As usual, the politicians will want to have everything skewed their way–particularly if it affects a political rival. Congressional campaign spot comes in late Friday-with check–to start Saturday. Station gets flight on the air. Political rival (you want guess which party) threatens to sue on Monday-saying something in the spot was generated by AI. FCC (again, guess which party has majority on Commission) issues notice of inquiry on Tuesday. Candidate whose spot is airing has lawyer reminding station it can’t edit spot.

    And what will be “AI” generated content? I remember a Joe Manchin ad from several years ago where he pointed a rifle & fired a shot at a blurry target. Cut away to a picture of the “cap and trade” bill with a hole shot through it. Clever editing? Artificially generated content?


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