Radio Stays Hand-In-Hand With The Future At CES 2024


    From self-driving cars to AI, Consumer Electronics Show 2024 in Las Vegas held plenty of optimism and promise for the future of technology. But at an event dedicated to pushing the limits of technology on so many fronts, broadcasters can take comfort in one fact – radio continues to be a ubiquitous companion.

    Radio’s largest presence at CES, like in everyday life, was in the car. Xperi focused on bringing radio’s dashboard experience into the modern reality. The group demonstrated its latest DTS AutoStage technology by way of a BMW, not only offering a visual way to enjoy AM/FM but with in-car games like Jeopardy (to be played while stationary). With the growth of electric vehicles, companies are figuring out ways for drivers and passengers to pass the time while EVs charge.

    Xperi also showcased its latest two-wheeled partnership: adding HD Radio to Harley Davidson motorcycles.

    Mercedes-Benz also showed off its in-vehicle dash, which was one of the first to stretch across the entire front of the car. This now extends to the backseat, with a tablet-like screen for the kids or whoever might be in the second row. Artificial intelligence played a role here via “Mercedes,” the brand’s voice-controlled assistant. AI also played an interesting role in the details – for example, MB.OS tech can change the dashboard’s background to match station logos and album art, not just in color, but in textures, patterns, and even with visual cues to a song’s title.

    At its showcase, John Deere showcased its future farmer-focused tech, including artificial intelligence-driven tractors and harvesters. It’s worth noting that inside the cab, while the entertainment system was much less flashy than what Mercedes offered, radio still played a major part in the entertainment system. This especially becomes more relevant when considered alongside agriculture’s push to preserve the AM band – an informer and lifesaver to rural America.

    Radio Ink President and Publisher Deborah Parenti attended Jacobs Media’s annual tour of the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall and gave her thoughts on CES 2024.

    “As to be expected, CES did not disappoint this year. It would be difficult to imagine anything less of a show that incorporates so much eye-popping, futuristic technology, integrated with environmental and social considerations wrapped into its DNA.”

    “As anyone in attendance will tell you, AI was front and center at virtually – and we use that word in both meanings – every display and booth at the show. The demonstrations of this high-end technology were applications that have been under development since the mid-1950s and have since become an integral part of advancements in health care, finance, and automotive among other industries – not the potentially dangerous scenarios that have become the topic of such deep and warranted concern over the past year.”
    “It’s the technology on display in the automotive arena that should have every radio group swarming over this show. That should be the obvious lure. But there’s more. Innovations in smart homes represent another category that radio should be checking out because wherever ‘audio’ belongs, radio needs to find a way to be in the mix.”
    “Jacobs Media’s Fred and Paul offer a fascinating tour that targets some of the more important CES highlights that belong on radio’s radar. It’s a great way to take in what can otherwise be an overwhelming venture, especially for the uninitiated. But whether you sign up for their tour or try to cover the convention on your own (good luck – it’s the biggest show you will probably ever attend), you need to be there. Listeners are consumers. The Consumer Electronics Show is about what consumers will be buying and how tech will impact their choices and usage in the future. Shouldn’t you get a glimpse of what to expect?”


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