RAB Delves Into Radio’s Heavy Hand In Brand Conversations


A recent study conducted by the Radio Advertising Bureau in partnership with Engagement Labs has revealed the significant role radio plays in driving brand conversations and impacting consumer purchase intent. The report, entitled Radio Drives Brand Conversations: Unveiling the Untapped Potential of Radio Conversations, offers data on radio’s reach and effectiveness across multiple business sectors.

Key findings of the study include how heavy radio listeners engage in nearly 4.7 billion brand conversations weekly, surpassing heavy users of other media like TV and social media. Of those conversations, about 51% of brand conversations among heavy radio listeners lead to a purchase intent, which is higher than the national average of 49%.

Radio shows dominance in 15 different industries such as sports, financial services, and technology, effectively connecting brands with varied target demographics.

Additionally, the study highlights radio as not just a commercial medium but also as a platform for informed societal dialogue. Heavy radio listeners are active in discussing a range of issues, from personal finance to politics.

RAB President and CEO Erica Farber said, “Radio is often referred to as the original social medium because of its ability to engage listeners through conversation, entertainment, and information. This study underscores radio’s ability to drive word of mouth brand conversations for advertising partners, more so than any other media.”

Engagement Labs President Steven M Brown commented, “We embarked on this study to understand radio’s impact on brand conversations for advertisers. The results are remarkable as TotalSocial data demonstrates that radio’s influence spans industries and demographics and impacts everyday influencers and KPIs such as purchase intent. This study validates that radio catalyzes consumer brand conversations and interactions and underscores the medium’s power.”

stated that radio is often seen as the “original social medium” due to its ability to engage audiences and drive brand conversations more effectively than other platforms. Steven M Brown, President of , emphasized that the study’s results prove radio’s broad influence across industries and key performance indicators like purchase intent.

RAB will host a live webinar on September 13, 2023, at 12 p.m. CT to further discuss the study’s findings. The webinar is free for RAB members and will be available for on-demand viewing after the initial presentation.


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