Clay Travis To Address BNM Summit In September


The inaugural 2023 Barrett News Media Summit for news/talk media professionals has announced another major speaker for September. Nashville native Clay Travis will be returning to his hometown to address the summit in a chat with BNM President Jason Barrett at Vanderbilt University.

Travis, along with Buck Sexton, hosts a nationally syndicated show that replaced Rush Limbaugh’s timeslot. He is also the founder of Outkick and has a significant presence on podcasts, Twitter, and television.

The summit also promises another major speaker announcement on July 5th. Interested professionals can purchase tickets on the event’s website.

Barrett said, “I launched Barrett Media in 2015, and during the length of time that I’ve run my company, I’ve watched Clay build a powerful brand, successful show, social presence, OTT network, and national empire. Few have had the collective impact across news/talk and sports radio, digital, podcasting, and video that Clay has during the past decade, and knowing how passionate and well-versed he is on the media business, I expect we’ll cover a lot of ground during our chat on Wednesday, September 13th.”


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