Podcasting’s Largely Untapped Hispanic Frontier


At the Hispanic Radio Conference panel on Podcasting and On-Demand Audio, industry experts gathered to discuss strategies for creating podcast content that resonates with Hispanic audiences and attracts advertisers. With a growing interest in podcasts among Hispanics, the panelists shed light on key insights, demographics, preferred platforms, and effective advertising techniques to captivate this vibrant market.

Cecilia Jato Bitz, VP/Sales Director at Nielsen National Audio Services, shared valuable statistics highlighting the preferences of Hispanic podcast listeners. Among Hispanics, 27.3% listen to podcasts regularly, with the largest age groups being adults between 25-34 and 35-44. Hispanic podcast listeners tend to be younger compared to the overall podcast audience. Language preferences are divided, with 60% listening in English and 40% in Spanish. Additionally, Jato Bitz revealed that 52% of Hispanic podcast listeners are female, boasting an average household income of $88,505, and spending around $1,000 on online purchases in the past 12 months.

Social media plays a significant role in podcast discovery for Hispanic audiences, with 37.6% learning about podcasts through platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp. Moreover, Jato Bitz highlighted that 43.1% of Hispanic podcast listeners are also heavy radio listeners, demonstrating the symbiotic relationship between the two mediums. Hispanic listeners exhibit a preference for podcasts produced by radio stations or hosted by radio personalities. Interestingly, Hispanic audiences over-index in all major podcast genres, with one exception – comedy.

Understanding the interests and habits of Hispanic podcast listeners is crucial for effective advertising. The top categories that resonate with this audience include job seekers, working parents, vacation seekers, amusement park fans, adults returning to the classroom, and weekly alcohol consumers. Advertisers must adapt their messaging to resonate with these specific demographics. It is important to note that Hispanic podcast audiences have shown a higher likelihood of responding positively to advertisements.

Liz Rebecca Alarcón, Founder & Executive Director of Pulso, pointed out that transitioning a radio show into a podcast seems easier compared to the reverse. She highlighted the need for more content creators who can share their podcast shows with radio audiences, emphasizing the existing gap in this area. By bridging this divide, radio stations can effectively leverage their established audience base to drive podcast engagement.

Hernan Garcia, Director of Podcast Development and Production at TelevisaUnivision, emphasized the importance of tailoring the delivery of messages in podcast advertisements. Given the intimate nature of podcasts, hosts should adopt a conversational approach rather than a formal announcement style. Authenticity and honesty are key factors that resonate with listeners. Direct host reads have proven to be more effective in engaging the audience compared to traditional vertical ads.

The Hispanic podcasting landscape offers immense potential for content creators and advertisers seeking to connect with a dynamic and engaged audience. By understanding the demographics, preferences, and habits of Hispanic podcast listeners, creators can craft compelling content, while advertisers can tailor their messages to drive maximum impact.


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