The Robby and Rochelle show is moving to weekday mornings at MacDonald Garber Broadcasting’s heritage CHR WKHQ/Traverse City, MI. The show, hosted by Robby Bridges and Rochelle Gagnon, and was previously heard at WDVD/Detroit and WSHK/Portsmouth, NH.
Bridges assumes the role of PD, while Gagnon will take on the role of Promotions Director at the station, which is branded as “106 KHQ.” They will also launch a podcast.
In addition to their history co-hosting Robby and Rochelle, Bridges has a long resume of programming plus on-air stops, including New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Providence and an 11-year run at Cumulus/Westwood One.
Gagnon has worked in marketing and promotions both in and outside of radio and held on-air roles at Lakes Media and Cumulus. She also spent two years at iHeart Radio as Associate Producer of the syndicated Mojo in the Morning show based at WKQI.
The show launches March 30.