Police Still Trying To Solve Case In Dayton


Kelly Dee Wilson, known on the air in Dayton as Nikki Brooks, was found dead in her apartment in early 2000. Police are still trying to figure out how the 29-year old died. She was working at u92 in Dayton at the time.

Sheriff Rob Streck went on WDTN-TV to talk about the case. Nearly 20 years ago, Wilson failed to show up to work, and was found dead in her bathroom after co-workers called authorities to check on her. Wilson’s death was ruled unnatural based on evidence detectives found in her apartment.

When the TV station asked Streck how the cases are solved after nearly 20 years with no progress, he said, “A lot of times, we’re real close and we may know a lot more than the community knows we know. This one’s a hard one, we don’t have a lot of movement, so that’s why we keep coming back to the community and just begging for help to try to get Kelly and her family some justice.”


  1. Kelly Dee Wilson, also known as Nikki Brooks on Dayton’s u92, was tragically found dead in her apartment in 2000. The circumstances surrounding her death remain a mystery, despite ongoing police efforts. Sheriff Rob Streck, speaking to WDTN-TV, emphasized the challenges in solving the case after two decades. “Sometimes, we’re closer to answers than people realize,” he noted. The community’s support is crucial in seeking justice for Kelly and her family.

  2. What a tragedy that this lovely young woman Kelly Dee Wilson was murdered. Sheriff Streck sounds like he genuinely means well; but regarding “justice,” there is no justice in this nation, nor in this world. If the murderer(s) of Kelly Dee is(are) found, prosecuted, convicted, sentenced, there will undoubtedly be no execution, no avenging of her blood; or in the extremely rare instance of execution, it would be another two or more decades from now, and done painlessly…. There simply, damnably isn’t any hope for anything approaching “justice” in this life for Kelly Dee Wilson, nor for any of the other darling young women and girls that are routinely slaughtered in this nation and world by vicious, sadistic destroyers who know that they will never have to suffer for their evils (in their lifetimes). Only in eternity will there be suffering for the evil, in line with what they deserve; only in eternity will there be any hope of blessing for these women and girls who have been monstrously torn away from this life.


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