Spanish Broadcasting System’s Head of Content Development, Bianca Alarcon, has been honored for her continuous support of the Puerto Rican community. Ms. Alarcon was presented with 2018 Communication and Philanthropy Award at the 116th Street Festival in New York on Saturday, June 9. Alarcon joined efforts with SBS’s management group, who sponsored an airlift and cruise shipment with over 100,000 pounds of food and supplies raised by the company’s South Florida and New York Radio and TV stations.
Alarcon joined SBS as an Art Director, and has been the Head of Content Development since 2017.
“From New York to Puerto Rico. This award does not belong to me. It belongs to the 4,654 -plus who lost their lives, to those who still do not have light nor water, and those who lost their homes. This is for all the people of Puerto Rico. I love you very much and I’ll see you soon. #PuertoRicoSeLevanta,” said Alarcon on her Instagram account (@queenb_dasme) following the event.
Albert Rodriguez, SBS’s COO commented, “Bianca was instrumental in the company’s effort to rally our communities to provide much-needed resources to the victims of Hurricane Maria. We congratulate Ms. Alarcon for her relentless support of the Puerto Rican community both directly after the hurricane to this current day.”