Following our article on Wednesday entitled “GMs: Would You Ever Hire Bond? Bruce Bond,” his co-host Toni Carran called Radio Ink, and sent in a comment to state their case. Bond quit job show after being told not to discuss politics during his Saturday morning show on WTPA in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. After several requests to halt the political conversation, Bond said he couldn’t take it anymore and quit. He then went on social media and promoted his story, to anyone who would listen, that he was fired for criticizing President Trump. Here’s what Carran had to say in response.
“First, it was the station who brought Bruce in with the intent of doing a weekly talk show, which we turned into a podcast. Politics was not the theme of the show and rarely came up, but doing a radio show with special guests each week, and in this current political climate, sometimes it was unavoidable to broach the subject when it came up. The show was not political in nature and never, in my two years as his co-host, did we walk into that studio with any agenda of bashing the President.”
“A great and factual account of this story can be found on the Washington Post.
“As far as looking for national attention-false. Nobody was expecting this story to go viral and Bruce was as surprised by the attention. This is not an attempt to get his “fifteen minutes of fame”.
“I am proud to have worked beside him, both as his intern when I was in college and most recently as his co-host. He is the kind of guy who stands up for what he believes in and this was not a decision that he made lightly, but he felt that he would never be able to appease management. It was better for both parties if we went our separate ways.”
“Hire him or don’t hire him-that’s fine. We have plans for the future of the show and we will go on. It’s also important to point out that our main sponsor of the show poured a lot of money into that station and he was always proud to align himself and his business with our show. We have his support even still.”
“This was a smear campaign by a few lunatics with nothing better to do than to harass a general manager and I have examples of the types of ridiculous threats he received, for those interested. It may help you understand what drove his decision.”
“Also, YouTube Pat Garrett and watch his music videos of Trump. That is the station owner then ask yourself again how we ended up in this place.”
“Better yet, listen to our podcast via iTunes and point out the examples of the horrible things we said about the President. As illustrated in the Washington Post article, the general manager himself could give no specific examples.”
“Thank you for your time! I just wanted to clarify.”
Carran can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]
I’m a she. Thanks for the article. I just came upon this on accident!
Calling him a sidekick? The disrespect is real.