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Invisibility Is Not Good For Business

(By Bob McCurdy) No business competes in a vacuum and no business is immune to the effects of a competitor’s advertising. It’s important for those advertisers with a limited advertising budget to choose their ad vehicles with care or risk having their messaging being drowned-out by the competition.

From CES: The Auto Lowdown

(By Buzz Knight) The Consumer Electronics Show has become a pivotal destination for the automotive industry to showcase their brands, and at CES 2020 many of the same themes continue to surface.

The Power Of Partnerships

(By Buzz Knight) We all know that when we begin the long roadmap of innovation it’s tempting to think we can go it alone. Ego and pride drive the initial calculus, and unfortunately many times that can be the death of the initiative.

Why Customer Service Counts

(By Jay Stevens) When was the last time you had great customer service, at any business, where it was so good you had to tell your friends and maybe you even flagged down the manager to alert them? If you're like most of us, you really have to think about it.

The Disruptors

(By Randy Lane) Routines are useful, but the downside is they can create rote behavior. In real life, breaking news, a loud noise, or the ping of an incoming text disrupts our patterns and forces us to pay attention. Suddenly we are alert, focused, and energized.

Who’s Targeting Non-Broadcast TV Viewers?

(By Charlie Sislen) Using either Tapscan’s Scarborough Crosstab report or Research Director’s Prospector report, you can determine what media non-TV viewers consume.

Craft And Refine Your Narrative

(By Bob McCurdy) I’ve written previously about the importance of hanging onto and re-purposing the powerful stuff that’s published about radio. In the past few weeks there’s been some outstanding material that we should be aware of and share with clients.

7 Keys To Advertising Effectiveness

(By Bob McCurdy) We have the tendency to make things more complex than necessary in this business. There are a handful of easily understood and relatable advertising facts of life that set the table for marketing success.

How To Find High-Performing Sellers – Part 6

Our series continues today with Kevin Malone, Market Manager for Community Broadcasters in Destin-Fort Walton Beach. Before taking over the four-station "Emerald Coast" cluster, Malone was GSM/RVP for Cumulus in Atlanta.

Host Trapped In Snow. Saved By Kid

Last Thursday was pretty scary for Lonnie Strauss, the morning show host for Sunrise Broadcasting in Wausau WI. At 6 a.m., Strauss was attempting to clear snow off the station's satellite dish when he stepped and fell into four feet of the white stuff. He became disoriented, couldn't stand up, and was having a hard time moving. Then, his pants froze.

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