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AM For Every Vehicle Act

More Reaction To The AM In Every Vehicle Act

The response continues to pour in for the historic AM For Every Vehicle Act after being introduced in Congress on Wednesday. From legendary heritage stations to the effect on important minority communities, here's what radio leaders are saying about the news.
Deborah Parenti

When AM Wins, We All Win

(By Deborah Parenti) Maybe it’s too much to ask, but could this moment centered around AM’s future transcend into a habit - one that opens the door to more cooperation between industry voices where the common good is more than a phrase?

AM For Every Vehicle Act Introduced In Congress

A bipartisan coalition in the United States Congress has introduced the AM for Every Vehicle Act, a legislation that would require federal regulators to mandate AM radio in new vehicles without an additional charge. The legislation would direct NHTSA to issue a rule requiring AM radio inclusion without extra fees.
Jeff McHugh preferred Nov. 2019

Can Your Managers Pass The Radio Survival Test?

(By Jeff McHugh) Could you survive in the wilderness? The How Stuff Works podcast recently featured a survival skills quiz. This idea of making difficult choices made me think of a survival quiz for AM/FM broadcasters. Here is a quiz on what is most important to have for survival.
Mike Pence

Former Vice President Lends His Voice To Preserve AM

John Catsimatidis, owner of Red Apple Media and NYC’s WABC-AM, has enlisted the help of former Vice President Mike Pence to voice a "Save AM Radio" spot. Catsimatidis is offering the spot to every radio station in America to raise awareness about the issue.
David Schutz

AM Radio Was Saved In Cars Twice: Can We Do It Again?

Hoffman Schutz Media Capital's David Schutz has a history lesson for broadcasters: this isn't the first (or even the second) time that automakers have faced AM interference. So how did radio win the first two battles and can we use that lesson today?
NAB Logo 2022

The NAB To Automakers: ‘Depend on AM Radio’

Days after Google made a major play in the battle for the electric vehicle dashboard, the National Association of Broadcasters has started a campaign to protect the AM band. Do you 'Depend on AM'?
Rep. Josh Gottheimer

NJ Representative Targets Tesla In AM Debate

"If Elon Musk has enough money to buy Twitter and send rockets to space, he can afford to include AM radio in his Teslas." That's what New Jersey Representative Josh Gottheimer said in his stirring defense of the AM band on Tuesday.
FCC Seal 2022

FCC Releases New Report on Pirate Radio Actions

The FCC has released its latest annual report on its enforcement strategies and actions against pirate radio broadcasters. Among other things, the FCC has launched a new database with pirate radio enforcement actions and posted job openings for five field agents.
Buzz Knight

Key Takeaways For Radio Fom CES 2023

(By Buzz Knight) I’m stumped when one sees a plethora of prototypes, tech evolution and businesses forging ahead with an entrepreneurial spirit to answer the question succinctly.  Even more challenging is sorting through the actionable observations that can relate to readers from the radio industry.

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