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House Committee On Energy and Commerce

Hearing Date For AM Radio Set On The Hill

The House Energy and Commerce Committee's Communications and Technology Subcommittee has set a date for their hearing on AM radio's importance in new cars. The hearing will discuss the role of AM radio and address concerns over its removal from certain vehicles.
Steve Forbes

Forbes: ‘AM Must Be Preserved’

Noted radio fan and defender Steve Forbes, the editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine, has once again used his publication to come to the aid of AM radio. In a Tuesday editorial, "Don't Muzzle AM Radio," Forbes emphasized AM's role in cars to millions of listeners.
AM Radio

Another AM Radio Detractor Steps Forward

"Automakers are far better attuned to the wishes of car buyers than Congress will ever be." Or so says an opinion piece in the Boston Globe from Tuesday. The piece took sharp aim at the bipartisan AM For Every Vehicle Act.
Rob Nichols

Proving The Power Of AM Radio in Emergencies

As the fight for AM radio's place in the auto dashboard continues, we talk with Cromwell Media's Rob Nichols. Rob is News Director at Cromwell's Owensboro, KY cluster, and worked there during an ice storm in 2009 that left many in the area without power.
Ted Cruz

Senator Cruz Tells Story Behind AM For Every Vehicle

For the first time since the AM For Every Vehicle Act was introduced to Congress, Senator Ted Cruz spoke about his co-sponsorship of the campaign to save AM on his Verdict podcast and how he came to work with Senator Ed Markey.
Fred Jacobs

Inside Ford’s AM Rethink With Fred Jacobs

As AM radio's historic week continues, Ford Motor Company backed down on its no-AM stance. What does this mean for radio's fight and what do we need to know about Detroit? We talked with Jacobs Media President Fred Jacobs about AM's next steps.
AM For Every Vehicle Act

Radio’s Auto Innovators Sound Off On AM

With AM's place in the car the talk of the industry. We've heard from lawmakers, owners and managers, and leading organizations about AM's historic week, but what about radio's tech leaders? Radio Ink talks with two automotive innovators about recent headlines.
Ford Logo

Ford Reverses AM Removal In Surprise Early Victory

In an early victory for the AM For Every Vehicle Act, Ford Motor Company has reversed its decision to remove AM radio from its new vehicles. CEO Jim Farley announced on social media that AM radio will be included in all gasoline and electric 2024 Ford and Lincoln vehicles.
8-Track Cassettes

AM Mandate’s First Big Detractor Steps Up To Bat

"Mandating AM radio in new cars would be like mandating CD or 8-track cassette players," says the first major organization to openly oppose the AM For Every Vehicle Act, and this criticism is coming from a source near to broadcasters.
jacapps logo 2023

jācapps Pushing More Mobile Reach For AM

Radio app developer jācapps has a new app to help give AM radio a boost. The jācapps Essential app gives AM stations the ability to easily stream branded content on smartphones, tablets, and car systems like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

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