Rush Awarded Medal of Freedom

Rush Limbaugh, who announced Monday he has advanced lung cancer, received the Medal of Freedom award at President Trump's State-of The-Union address Tuesday night. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the nation’s highest civilian honor.

NAB Announces New Board

The National Association of Broadcasters has announced your new 2018 elected leaders. And there are three new members: Townsquare Co-Chief Executive Officer Dhruv Prasad, Zimmer Radio President Mike Zimmer, and Beasley's VP of Programming Justin Chase. The two-year terms of the board members begins in June. Here's a look at the entire 2018 board.
Curtis LeGeyt

A Big Day for Radio on The Hill

And NAB CEO Curtis LeGeyt will be there to defend radio from musicFIRST's latest push to get radio to pay a tax for airing music. We spoke to LeGeyt about what he plans to say today and what radio stations around the country need to do.
BIA Advisory Services

Audio Lags In BIA Media Ecosystems Measurement

From 2019 to post-pandemic America might be one of the most intense five-year shifts in media and its consumption in modern history. Now BIA Advisory Services has documented the financial and valuation fluctuations of the past half-decade on broadcasters.

New EBS Studio In Seattle

FEMA and KIRO-AM Seattle will unveil a new Emergency Broadcast Studio. The facility, upgraded to continue broadcasting under all conditions, is one of 77 across the United States.

Interference Biggest Radio Complaint to FCC

As part of the FCC's new approach to transparency it has launched a new Consumer Complaint Data Center. The online listing of consumer complaints includes how many calls are made to the government agency about radio. The biggest complaint ( 7,391 of them) is about interference. What's next?
Mike McVay

The Weight of Your Words

(Mike McVay) “The weight of your words … are heavier than ever and the ripples that they create … are greater than ever.” That was something that one of my former employers said to me following an error in judgement by a member of my team.
FCC Seal Large

Once Again, Unpaid Fees Put Texas AM at Risk of Losing License

An operator on the Texas/Mexico border is again under threat of having its license yanked by the FCC over unpaid regulatory fees. The Media Bureau has initiated proceedings against Consolidated Radio, Inc. for failing to pay $3,303.84 for fiscal year 2022.
Jim Matthews

Life In Prison For Accused Killer Of WWJ’s Matthews

After the brutal September attack that left Audacy Detroit News/Talk WWJ-AM anchor Jim Matthews dead, the fate of the man accused of his murder has been decided. Presiding Judge James Biernat referred to Arthur Williamson as the “embodiment of evil.”
Smulyan Emmis

Emmis To Go Private After ‘Overwhelming’ Shareholder Approval

Emmis Corporation, formerly known as Emmis Communications, is set to go private after Thursday's shareholder meeting, following overwhelming approval for amending its articles of incorporation, but don’t expect the transition to move quickly. The deal opened a three-year window.

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