More Alaska Public Stations Receive CPB Grants for EAS Boost


Public radio stations KHNS and KRBD in Alaska, along with Mountain Lake PBS in New York, have been awarded grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to upgrade their emergency alert systems as part of the Next Generation Warning System.

Lynn Canal Broadcasting’s KHNS in Skagway has been awarded up to $88,426 to upgrade its digital audio capabilities and enhance the reliability of its emergency alerting system, while Rainbird Community Broadcasting Corporation’s KRBD was awarded up to $95,185 for a new transmitter, broadcasting equipment, and generator to maintain broadcasts during emergencies.

Mountain Lake Public Telecommunications Council’s WCFE-TV was also awarded up to $218,586.

The NGWS grant program, administered by CPB, was created to help public media stations build more resilient and secure alert systems. The program, which provided $34 million in funding for FY 2022, prioritizes stations serving rural, Tribal, and underserved communities. An additional $48 million in funding has been allocated for FY 2023.

The NGWS grant program is supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

CPB President and CEO Patricia Harrison said, “Public media stations have long played a vital role in emergency alerting in communities across the country. The Next Generation Warning System grant program helps public media organizations, especially in rural areas, upgrade their infrastructure to keep their communities safe.”

FEMA IPAWS Director Manny Centeno added, “FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System provides a suite of tools and resources for local authorities to effectively send emergency communications to the public. We continue developing the Next Generation Warning System concept as we improve continuity and leverage new technologies.”


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