A Household Name Rockets To #2 In Top Radio Ad Spend


Progressive Insurance retained its position at the top this past week, according to the latest data from Media Monitors for the week of February 5-11, 2024. The insurance giant has led the list of radio’s top national advertisers for the majority of 2024 so far.

With a play count of 60,320 spots, Progressive towered over second-place Macy’s. The renowned retail chain made a massive leap onto the list, airing 48,723 spots. Vicks stood strong at number three, with 45,776 spots, trading places with fourth place Babbel, who aired 41,730 spots.

Rounding out the top five was Discover, with 39,143 spots. Outside the top five, Pfizer has a considerable jump from 34 to 7, after disappearing for a few weeks following a gargantuan Q4.

Media Monitors Radio Feb 5-11


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