Famed improv sketch comedy troupe The Groundlings, in collaboration with Stampede Ventures, has introduced a new podcast, Multiple Talking Women. Crafted and performed by Main Company members Lisa Schurga, Ariane Price, and Lauren Burns, the satirical and improvisational podcast mocks contemporary talk shows.
Multiple Talking Women features interviews with real-life celebrities and notable personalities, including Kristen Wiig, Kathryn Hahn, and Mayim Bialik. The initial four episodes of this podcast are now available, with subsequent episodes to be released weekly.
The podcast draws inspiration from The Groundlings’ live theater show, Happy Hour, and is a celebration of the troupe’s upcoming 50th anniversary in 2024.
Stampede Ventures VP of Content and Operations Cara Fano commented, “Lisa, Ariane and Lauren have created such rich, hilarious characters at The Groundlings and Stampede Ventures is excited to introduce them to new audiences through our podcast division. We are absolutely thrilled to be working with such talented creators with unique perspectives.”
Stampede Ventures DOD Amelia Mysko said, “Multiple Talking Women is an incredibly entertaining and fresh new take that we’re excited to bring into the audio space. This trio has created a rare world that our guests can step into and explore in a really fun way and the potential of that feels unlimited.”