WIRK’s Friends Feed Friends In West Palm Beach


In three days, Tim Leary and Chelsea Taylor of Hubbard Broadcasting West Palm Beach’s New Country 103.1 (WIRK) were able to collect enough food and cash donations to provide more than 110,000 meals for Palm Beach Harvest.

The annual three-day “Friends Feeding Friends” event resulted in over 28,000 pounds of food and more than $15,000 in cash donations.

Leary said, “The food was being distributed literally as soon as it came in. We’ve never seen anything like it because this has never happened before! At the very end, the only thing that was left in the truck was a broom. The food had been given out.” Taylor added, “This year absolutely shattered all previous years we’ve ever done this. People drove from more than an hour away to donate. The outpouring of love from this community can’t even be put into words. It was amazing!”

WIRK OM/PD Bruce Logan, who was at the event, commented, “They are two people who have enormous hearts and truly care about others. Their listeners feel that. That’s why they have such an ability to rally the entire community like this.”

With the help of Tim, Chelsea, and the citizens of the Treasure Coast, that brings Radio Ink‘s 2023 Season of Giving Tally to $5.16 million. Help us show how radio matters to local communities! Submit your station’s good works to our Online Editor Cameron Coats between now and the end of the year.


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