Kids Are Steering Older Audiences To Podcasts, Study Finds


A new study from the analytics division of global advisory firm UTA is shedding light on the burgeoning children’s podcast market. All Ears: The Booming Children’s & Family Podcast Market focuses on American children aged three to 12 and their podcast listening habits. The study reveals that children, not parents, are often the ones steering the family towards specific podcast content.

According to the study, about 70% of parents noted that it’s their children who usually initiate the time spent on podcasts, despite having a multitude of entertainment options at their fingertips. Nearly half of the children surveyed listen to podcasts weekly, and 67% tune in at least once a month. Additionally, family listening appears to be a significant trend, as almost half of the children frequently engage in podcast sessions with a parent.

Interest in podcasts among children has surged over the past year, with a striking 93% of parents affirming this growing enthusiasm. When it comes to discovering new content, 65% of children and their parents find new podcasts based on recommendations from friends and family. Social media platforms come in second as a source for new content, accounting for 58% of discoveries.

The genres captivating the young audience range from comedy and action/adventure to educational topics. Interestingly, a podcast featuring familiar characters or franchises is more likely to grab children’s attention, according to 93% of parents. Most of this podcast consumption occurs at home, primarily during weekends and afternoons. YouTube stands out as the platform of choice for 82% of children, while 55% also use Spotify.

Notably, the study found that nine in 10 parents are willing to pay for podcast subscriptions, highlighting the revenue potential for content creators in this growing market.

“Family podcasts have become an important part of how children play and learn and are poised for continued growth in the years to come,” said UTA Audio Partner & Head Oren Rosenbaum. “Creating content that’s not only child-friendly but also enjoyable for parents offers a special opportunity for families to spend quality time together.”


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