Trailblazing Hispanic Broadcaster Felix Viera Passes At 74


Respected Hispanic radio host Felix Viera has passed away at the age of 74. With a career spanning more than 25 years, Viera was a key voice in Connecticut at Dinamica 1120 (WPRX-AM), where he hosted shows like Hablando En Serio (Talking Seriously) and Amanacer En Mi Tierra (Sunrise In My Homeland). Viera’s battle with cancer led to his retirement last year.

Born in Puerto Rico, Viera moved to Connecticut in the 1970s. He worked for the state Department of Motor Vehicles before retiring as a supervisor. His shows covered a wide range of topics, including Social Security, health care, and education. He was particularly attentive to events affecting Hispanics, such as Hurricane Maria in 2017.

Viera’s work was marked by a commitment to informing and supporting the Hispanic community. He conducted interviews with notable political figures such as Governor Ned Lamont and U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona.

In 2021, Viera was chosen by Secretary of the State Denise Merrill for a National Association of Secretaries of State Medallion Award for his efforts in “empowering and educating Latino voters.”

Dinamica station president Lenny Mejia described Viera as an honorable man who was always truthful. His son, Reynaldo Viera, emphasized his father’s love for helping the community.

Viera’s son Reynaldo stated, “He loved helping the community,” and “He made an impact. I’m very proud to call him my father.”

WPRX Station President Lenny Mejia added, “He was always fighting for our community,” and “He was honorable; he was always talking the truth; he never lied.”


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