The popular Saturday Night Live sketch “Hans and Franz” is being revived as a podcast by Conan O’Brien. The miniseries, “The Lost Hans & Franz Movie,” will be available on the Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend feed, with episodes releasing weekly starting from May 17th. The sketch, originally starring Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon as Austrian bodybuilders, was inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the ’90s, a musical movie adaptation with Carvey, Nealon, and Schwarzenegger was planned but never made it past development.
Now, the original team has come together to turn parts of the script into a four-part podcast series. They will read selected scenes from the screenplay and share anecdotes about their experiences. The idea for the podcast came about after Carvey mentioned the film script on Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, leading to the decision to revisit the project.
“Revisiting this madness with Dana, Kevin, and Robert was insanely fun,” said O’Brien. “Sometimes, the projects that don’t get made make me laugh the hardest.”