Is GBS Petition Losing Support?


In a recent NAB ex parte brief with the FCC regarding a proposed rulemaking that would enable GeoBroadcast Solutions to license its proprietary “ZoneCasting” technology; questions were raised over letters sent in support of the proposal. Now broadcasters in Texas and Colorado have requested their names be removed because of the letters.

The Texas broadcasters wrote, in part:

“It recently came to our attention that comments were filed at the FCC purportedly on our behalf in support of GBS’s proposal. The undersigned local radio broadcasters were entirely unaware of our participation in this proceeding and did not knowingly consent to having our name included on such filings. We are all proud, but relatively small radio broadcast operators, with enormous demands on our limited time and resources. In general, we do not have the bandwidth to personally monitor activities at the FCC. Given this highly unusual circumstance, the broadcasters listed below respectfully request that the Commission remove the prior filings indicating our support for GBS’s requested rule change from the record.”

The Colorado broadcasters wrote, in part:

“The radio broadcasters listed below write to request that the Federal Communications Commission disregard the comments previously filed on our behalf in the above-referenced proceeding because they do not accurately reflect our views. Contrary to what the comments indicate, the undersigned do not support the GeoBroadcast Solution’s (GBS) Petition or believe that it would benefit our stations or the public. Thus, to correct the record we ask the Commission to remove those comments previously filed under our name in support of the petition at issue.”

Here are the letters from broadcasters in Texas and broadcasters in Colorado asking to be removed in support of the GBS proposal.


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