Pierre Robert Celebration Philly


Pierre Robert has been on the air at 93.3 WMMR-FM for four decades. The Beasley Media Group station will host a month-long celebration of highlights commemorating the  Philadelphia radio legends iconic moments.

“To quote a little band from San Francisco, ‘What a long, strange trip it’s been’… to which I would add wonderful and absolutely magical,” said Robert. “A thousand thanks to this radio station, its’ staff through the years, and most importantly our amazing loyal listeners, who have allowed me to continue the journey!”

“I’ve never worked with a more beloved air talent,” said Bill Weston, Group VP of Talent Development and WMMR-FM PD. “Go to a concert with Pierre Robert you’ll never make it around the concourse as he is stopped every 7 feet by an otherwise perfect stranger shouting, ‘Hey Pierre!’ typically followed by smiles, conversation, and a selfie- only to be repeated steps away. It says something about him that his fans are unafraid of dismissal or rejection, trusting he’s the same man they love listening to each day on WMMR. He is a gift to our city.”

Pierre’s career at WMMR includes 40 continuous years live and local, including his beginnings on overnights, short-lived, mid-90s venture into AM Drive as well as his current midday hosting duties.


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