Another Host Dies From COVID


65-year old WNDB in Daytona Beach host Marc Bernier died Saturday night from COVID-related complications. Southern Stone Communications says Bernier worked for WNDB for over 30 years and had a 46 year career as a broadcast journalist. The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports that Bernier was against vaccines.

Former Florida talk show host Dick Farrel died in early August and Nashville Conservative talker Phil Valentine recently died from COVID as well.


  1. LOL!!!

    And we’ve always been told (by them) that it’s leftists who are the ones filled with “empathy”?

    Hmm…not so much, methinks…

  2. Only a slight digression:
    There is no low to which charlatans will not stoop.
    Before Canadian radio and television broadcaster on Toronto’s blowtorch 50,000 watt CFRB and editor of Macleans’s Magazine, Charles Templeton was the tag-team partner of Rev. Billy Graham during the 40’s and 50’s.
    They were kicking Satan’s ass and claiming souls for Jesus in front of stadium and arena-sized audiences.
    After a time, Templeton had had enough and realized he was perpetuating a sham. He told Billy he was packing it all up and packing it in.
    This is a quote from Charles’s book, “Farewell to God”: “But Chuck”, retorted Billy,”It’s still a good living.”
    It was this book that sped up my withdrawal from the religion of my youth.
    And like the anti-vax and the Big Lies believers and according to Mark Twain: “Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.”
    Indeed, a mighty row has yet to be hoed.

  3. Radio Ink should make it clear, for the record and in the spirit of full disclosure that they censor the comment section here and remove comments which of course is their right. I posted a completely civil comment here that is no longer available and I have no idea why it was removed. Apparently it didn’t fit with their agenda. So much for free speech and discussion.

  4. The industry is actually dying before our eyes.
    Are personalities like Dave Ramsey, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck working in the public’s best interest or the networks’?
    Broadcast CEO’s are accountable: for the content and for the millions of people that are harmed by allowing the charade to continue.
    COVID will continue to claim victims and hopefully this vile programming format will number among them. Radio should feel sadness and shame.

    • Radio stations are supposed to serve the communities they are in.

      The communities these personalities broadcast from are in the third world freeloading ****hole Red States and are filled with tin foil hat wearing rubes.

      We in the US should feel great sadness that nearly half this country is stupid, lazy and/or biased but why should “radio” be ashamed? They are “serving” the communities they broadcast from.

  5. I thought all these guys were in on the scam.

    It is all about bilking the rubes. You don’t buy your own B.S.

    You spout the anti-vac stuff for the tin foil hat wearers in your audience. You are supposed to get vaccinated and follow protocols like the hypocrites at Faux News who tell their “base” one thing while doing another.

    And you’ll get no judgement from me. I wish I was shameless enough to bilk the barely sentient rubes who are stupid enough to vote for an easy to spot liar, grifter, coward, fraud and corrupt unfit incompetent Russian dupe and his party of traitors and cowards.

    “It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.” – Joseph Heller – Catch 22

  6. I worked with Marc at my radio station WICE in RI. He was a very talented and totally committed radio guy. He was one of the small market radio stars that makes this industry viable. He was a talk show host, News Director and Op’s director that made radio work. Sorry to hear of his passing. Guys like Marc who were rarely recognized are the people who make the train run. He will be missed!

    • My question is, how many more will die because they believe the anti-vaxxer crap that he spewed on his show? People, COVID-19 is a public health issue, NOT a political one. This virus, and especially the super-virulent Delta variant, doesn’t care if you voted for Biden or Trump, if you are a Republican or Democrat, a liberal or a conservative. If you are unvaccinated, chances are good, especially in a virus hotspot like Florida, that this virus will make you sick and maybe even kill you. Which do you prefer: the wild conspiracy theories that abound on talk radio and the social media or any of three vaccines that have been proven effective, at least in reducing the severity of the illness if not preventing it altogether, and that are readily available free of charge? This should be a no-brainer. To deliberately broadcast misinformation during a public health crisis can hardly be called “broadcasting in the public interest”.


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