Austin Radio Network Raises $270K


The Horn, KOKE-FM and 105.3 The Bat, raised more than $270,000 in their “Buy a Box” campaign benefiting the Central Texas Food Bank. The “Buy a Box” campaign urges listeners to donate $30 for a 28-lb emergency food box containing 23 meals consisting of proteins, dairy, fruits, and vegetables for those in need in Central Texas.

Austin Radio Network GM Lise Hudson said, “Even though we don’t see our listeners and our clients face to face all the time, they are like good friends. They show up when there is a need. We have always known how loyal and giving they are, but I would have never imagined their generosity for their fellow Central Texans would exceed $270,000! It is hard to find the right words to express our gratitude, how do you thank friends for tuning in daily and providing over 208,500 meals to The Central Texas Food Bank? We cherish their spirit.”

The original objective of funding a single distribution of 1000 boxes (or $30,000) was quickly exceeded in the first 15 minutes.  From there, the goal was raised $10,000 at a time – until now, which places the total of paid donations in excess of $270,000.


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