O’Reilly: Tell Me What You Need


FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly spoke before the National Association of Broadcasters State Leadership Conference this week where he repeated something he’s been telling broadcasters a lot lately; “I seek your assistance.” O’Rielly told broadcasters the Commission needs their input on ways to reduce specific burdens the government has imposed on them that are no longer necessary or relevant in the current market environment.

O’Reilly said to argue that you should be weighed down by regulations that are past their prime, raise your costs, and keep you from adapting to the future is wrong and unwarranted. “I’ve asked this of broadcasters before but the response has been somewhat underwhelming. So today, I’m challenging the state associations to bring forward a top ten list of small-to-medium range items to modernize Commission regulations of your industry. Work collectively with other states or individually, but please don’t sweep this golden opportunity aside. How often do you have one of the five FCC Commissioners ask how to make your life easier?”

To contact Commissioner O’Reilly with your thoughts send an e-mail to: mike.o’[email protected]


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