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Pat Bryson

Establishing Lucrative Radio Sales Habits

(By Pay Bryson) Whether or not we are successful in sales depends in large part on how we spend our "billable hours" each day. In most cases, how we spend our time is determined by the habits we develop.
Radio Ink July 4

Have A Happy Independence Day Weekend!

We hope you're looking forward to the upcoming July 4 holiday weekend, filled with fun, fireworks, and relaxation. At Radio Ink, we want to keep you informed while also enjoying the festivities. Here's our schedule for the holiday weekend:
Pat Bryson

Why Do I Want This? Unlocking Emotional Ads

(By Pat Bryson) John Wanamaker is credited with saying, "Half of my advertising is wasted: I just don't know which half." Whether or not this is...
Pat Bryson

‘How Many Ads Must I Run?’

 It’s the age-old question: "How many ads must I run? How many week/months must my advertising schedule continue?" Radio sellers bump up against these questions on a daily basis. As it turns out, both were already answered in 1885.

DeDe Announces Scholarship Winners

The $2,500 scholarships are part of DeDe's Achieve the Dream scholarship program. The goal of the program is to assist individuals by offering scholarships to a Historically Black College University. The money comes from the syndicated host's foundation.

And The Nominees Are…

The Podcast Academy has announced the nominees for its inaugural Awards for Excellence in Audio or The Ambies. The ceremony announcing the winners will be streamed LIVE on YouTube, Twitch and other platforms Sunday, May 16th from Los Angeles at 8PM Eastern.
Roy Williams - Radio

7 Books To Make You A Better Writer

(By Roy Williams) The reason most radio people write poorly is because they read too many blogs, tweets, news stories, and Facebook posts. As you read, so will you write.

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