Home Best Manager Profiles

Best Manager Profiles

Meet Radio’s Top Local Sales Manager

Tim Gratzer has 24 years of experience in the radio industry. He’s a great mentor for his AEs, according to Cumulus Market Manager Alex Cadelago, because he's equally vested in their personal growth as he is their financial success.

One of Radio’s Top D.O.S.’s Is In Kansas City

As part of our series spotlighting 2019 Radio Wayne finalists, we turn to the D.O.S. category today. Carter Broadcast Group's Vic Dyson is a 28-year radio veteran. He grew up in the radio industry, his dad is the legendary Marv Dyson.

Meet One of Radio’s Best Sales Managers

As part of our series spotlighting Radio Wayne finalists, we turn to the Sales Manager category today. Michael Tedesco fell in love with radio listening to the Real Don Steele on KHJ-AM in Southern California. Today he's helping make WAWZ-FM in New Jersey a financial powerhouse as sales manager.

Do You Want To Be A Great Manager?

If you answered yes, you may want to listen to some of the advice we pulled from Rex Hansen, who's retiring after a long and successful career in radio management. Hansen's final stop was a 19 year run as VP/GM for SummitMedia's cluster in Springfield, MO.

Meet One Of The Best Market Managers In Radio

Alex Cadelago is the Market Manager for Cumulus Media in Houston. Last month in Orlando, Alex won Radio Ink's Radio Wayne Award for Market Manager of the Year. Cumulus VP Dan Bennett is Alex' supervisor. “What makes Alex Cadelago a great leader is first and foremost his character. He is honest and trustworthy and people want to follow people like him."

Meet One Of Radio’s Best National Sales Managers

At the Radio Show in Orlando next week, Matt Cowper's name will be announced following the Advertiser Breakfast, Thursday morning. Matt is a Radio Ink Radio Wayne finalist in the Stu Olds National Sales Manager category. The Beasley Media VP, based in Philadelphia, oversees Tampa, Vegas, Fort Myers, North Jersey, Boston, Fayetteville, Charlotte, Augusta, Detroit, and Boca.

Here’s One Of Radio’s Best Sales Managers

In our latest 2018 Radio Wayne finalist podcast we speak to Cumulus Houston Sales Manager Tim Gratzer about how he succeeds in the trenches every day. The Radio Ink Radio Wayne Awards will be handed out on September 27 at the RAB/NAB Radio Show in Orlando, and over the next several weeks we're going to highlight the best of the best in radio sales and management. Here's our interview with Cumulus' Tim Gratzer...

How To Build A Great Radio Team

Kurt Luchs is the Market Manager for NRG Media in Wausau-Stevens Point, Wisconsin. He's also been chosen as one of Radio Ink's Best Managers for 2017 and will be featured in the October 9 issue of Radio Ink Magazine. Luchs is responsible for four NRG FMs in his cluster and he leads about 30 NRG employees. During the nomination process, here's what one of those employees said about him, and it's what every manager hopes for. 

One of Seattle’s Best — Hubbard’s Marc Kaye

Marc Kaye is the Market Manager for Hubbard Radio in Seattle. He's also been chosen as one of Radio's Best Managers for 2017 and will be featured in the October 9 issue of Radio Ink Magazine, along with a small group of radio's other top managers. Kaye runs a five-station cluster for Hubbard in Seattle, leading and managing over 100 employees.

For CBS Radio — Houston Does Not Have A Problem

Sarah Frazier is the Market Manager for CBS Radio in Houston. She's also one of Radio Ink’s Best Managers of 2017. And that should come as no surprise, Frazier is consistently one of The Most Influential Women in Radio and on our Best Managers list. Frazier has been in radio since college, when she worked as the sales manager, traffic manager, and operations manager at KJHK at the University of Kansas.

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